Seriously what is going on with these pit boss health?

(Live season, not PTR) Using WW dust devil/bleed build. I’ve also seen this on my bash barb. Doesn’t matter what boss I’m fighting in tier 100, sometimes doing no damage/no bleed at all, other times the SAME BOSS dying in 10 seconds in a different run, or I die, go back in there after doing no damage, boss dies in 10 seconds but was barely taking damage a moment ago.

Is anyone else experiencing this, what I assume is, some kind of bug? Like what is going on with this ???

If on PTR , it is a bug. Run in and out quickly and then re-enter and it should be fine.

If it is on live…I don’t know.

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Not playing PTR, this is live seasonal, pit 100, doesn’t matter which boss. I’ve also been seeing this with some packs of mobs that I can’t damage and might die, run back after dying and then they’ll be killed in 2 seconds whereas a moment before that they weren’t taking damage.

I did a few days ago…I found it very odd. It certainly was frustrating.

I know you won’t want to hear this, or even believe it, however I’ve been playing ww since season started. The zero damage in a pit boss is caused by 1 or 2 issues, first being a player problem, you aren’t getting good procs on vul, or your not berserking. The 2nd is you don’t have enough crit to reliably keep fortify up. Running through adds none of this matters they all die in secs. When it comes to bosses this matters greatly. It’s also something none of the streamers or build creators point out or even mention. Some telll you to get a 5 to 1 ratio or a 10 to 1 but NONE explain why or how the build works together. Heck, half the ww players don’t know how they are even generating fury without a fury on kill roll.

Some times when you enter, you have all your shouts which allows you to fortify and berserk and you smash the boss, other times you don’t have a shout or forget to use it or the boss teleports or you didn’t crit and the lucky hit didn’t go off or you lose the buffs and then your spinning for 5-20secs with your mace doing f all. Copy and pasting a build is fun and I do it too, but if you don’t understand it, you’ll never preform optimal with it.

You don’t have to agree with this or even believe it… but anyone that actually builds, and understands how everything works together are probably sitting here laughing cause they know you just copied robs build and now you can’t get it to preform like his maxed out gear builds.


No, this is not the case. There is a bug happening with this or something server-side that isn’t working correctly.

Even if I survive the fight and fight it out, there’s just something straight up wrong with the damage. I’ll record it next time and post a vid. You see the same thing with some mob packs. Doesn’t matter if I’m playing on my WW bleed build, happens on my bash barb as well.

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Thumbs up emoji… good luck with your “bug”.

I started to think they were adding hidden affixes to bosses/mobs. I mentioned this in a thread I made that got removed. also hidden enrage timers/buffs when you get the boss down to his last bar. this was a few weeks ago.

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Not sure what to tell you - I’ve done hundreds of pit runs on my wind shear Druid and never encountered anything remotely like it. Boss health is always consistent and always takes about the same amount of time to kill on a given tier.

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i’ve done thousands(I think) on a bash barb. I can tell you i noticed. this was before the patch. from days in a row of live-beta testing the exploding/frost spiders to back to back frostcaller/sharpshooter maps.

Honestly I’m starting to wonder at this point.

I’ve been recording every pit boss kill and noticing some seriously odd health behavior. Noticing odd damage behavior as well where sometimes I get 1shot and sometimes I take no damage at all. It could be lag but its really hard to tell. Usually if it would be lag there would be some kind of banding or all damage/damage taken would stop but that doesn’t seem to be the case, its like damage given or received just breaks completely but doesn’t entirely stop working.

I’ve been recording my pit kills but I don’t have enough yet. I’ll take a few days to work this vid because something definitely seems weird.

I’ll do a few lilith runs as well as I’ve noticed I can first-phase her in 5 seconds, other runs take over 30. Very strange.

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Maybe they did whatever they did on PTR on live also :joy:
I have not been on live since the PTR opened. But between the last patch and PTR launch I thought pits were easier than before.

Why don’t you try reading some of those blue posts? There is even a tracker of them in this very forum to make it easy! You might learn a thing or two :slight_smile:

We know its bugged in PTR, did they say something somewhere about live as I’m not talking about PTR issues.

I haven’t saved any pit boss run vids but I commented awhile back about how the boss attack speeds/shadow boss spam was increasing (during their “last burn” phase of their HP bar) etc etc. I noticed back then that yeah all of the sudden my damage rolls tank while this -was- happening.
unfortunately that thread is gone, and I did not archive it.
the one-shots seem toned down a lot, and i mean a lot. there is still frostcaller/sharpshooter funsies though.

I just did one on live, seemed about the same, maybe it took slightly longer but nothing impossible (more likley I am playing a different build on ptr so probably rusty on my live build.).

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Thos game is absolutely perfect. No bugs whatsoever :ok_hand: :lying_face::lying_face::lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:

Yes! I’ve experienced this multiple times. I’m playing a Thorns Minions Necromancer. I’ll struggle to finish off a Pit Boss with his health bar almost gone, but he just won’t die. I get killed eventually as the fight was taking too long. I respawn and come back and kill him easily.

It goes the other way too. I get a Pit Boss and practically one shot him. The very next Pit run, I get the same boss, but it takes me almost a minute to kill him. I have no idea what I did differently from the last fight for it to take that much longer to kill him.