Seems Helltides are empty, hardly anyone does them

Yeah, they really need to define “Hardcore” in a more online friendly manner if the dependency is not going to be just your rig but also your network connection and theirs. HC should be more forgiving if anything in that case. Too many variables to interrupt and/or cheat you out of progression. Especially with all of the insane (unmitigated) insta-stun CC.

Maybe a freebie death (one per week) so if you hit that block, it offers you the choice to keep moving forward and risk it again or wait a week and stop on the ladders because you DC’d or something.

Maybe I’m crazy but I haven’t noticed less people in Helltides recently. It always didn’t seem like many people were doing Helltides. I can always find a handful of players in any Helltide zone, but yeah that’s it. I think that’s just how it is though, you won’t suddenly see 20+ people because of Helltide, because you can never see 20+ people in a zone… only for Legion or World Boss events.

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For me I actually like them, but I hate the timers. Most of the time I finish a dungeon, then I see there is a helltide running… But only after it’s already started 15 minutes or so. Then I feel like" this one is done, I’ll waiting for the next". Same again at the next…

Since Dungeons are instances they not tell you about it. And I don’t like to block my second screen with an external tool telling me, that I should not start the next dungeon since next helltide is up in 10 or 5 or whatever.

I’d really like to choose when to run it, when I want. I am fine if it then has a cooldown, so you can’t run it permanently, but at least I’d have the choice. It’s same for worldbosses, I am usually only online at one of those daily slots and sometimes I miss even this as well. At least that happens more rarely, since it’s on the map for half an hour inbefore. If they implement such timed content, it should be prominent announced, so people have time to plan around it.


today i was doing some helltides where i was running around with a bunch of randoms killing stuff and having fun. and then we crossed a server boundry and i never saw them again. great game. 10/10 ign.


There is a reason my PoE has insta log for DC’s etc. I think the scroll idea is just stupid. They will never be able to stop people from dying due to connection issues without the Log out macro/dc log out option, just remove Cheat Death and let ppl log. All they are doing is hurting themselves by being so hard headed.

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I could be playing now, but I’m here reading the forums, because doing nightmare dungeons over and over again isn’t really fun anymore.

It’s disappointing.

It’s a big joke, I guess. I can get 12 Vasily’s uniques and 0 Tempest Roar. Hahahahaa, so funny, such greatness, such epic awesome.

Oh, you say my dude leveled to 100 in 13 hours in group? You say, who cares? Yeah, this is starting to feel like WoW crapfest. I’m over here at 86 trying to find anything fun, but I think they beat all the fun out of the game, and so I’m here thinking Starfield can’t get here soon enough, and just hoping it isn’t as bad as Redfall.


I would say alot of ppl where grinding their xp with helltides, but now they can be found in Nm Dungeons. I’m one of them.


Are you on Wt4? I see tons of people in teh Helltides

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Ya, I think they should go nearly non stop so that I can do a dungeon and not feel like I’m going to miss out on the Helltide or vice versa

I got a second monitor going so that I can do both at the same time LoL.

That and I can see the timers now without having to exit my screen.

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Its the truth. I am in a guild that maxed players out in the first couple of days of the game. The max number of people a guild can hold is 150. The first week of release we consistently had 40+ online. Now we rarely break 10.

I dare someone to come up with an excuse for that and tell me this game is thriving.


WIII, I’m lvl 54, I didn’t know witch class I wanted to play so I got a 54 barb 53, druid and 52 sorc.

You’re absolutely right. It’s an antiquated system that doesn’t format well into an online game. It worked fine when it was on a single player / lobby (for online) play - but it doesn’t translate now to online. I really do think their best bet is to develop a points system. For example, you accumulate points up to a certain threshold and it blocks ladder progression if you reach or exceed those. It then forces you (when reaching that point on a death) and locks the character - giving you the option to move forward and risk perma-death or simply let it go and play SC for a bit until your points degrade.

How about if it simply didn’t take so long to reach the end of the ‘this is not fun’ part?

Running the campaign was the LEAST ENJOYABLE part of the D4 experience for me.

How about giving me the option to skip the experience gaining part like we are given the option to skip the campaign?

So that my build that has been fine tuned and optimized from the item hunt is what I lose upon dying in hardcore…

“Speeding up the replay process” doesn’t make a not fun experience more fun. It makes it not fun for not as long.

The game population is starting to dwindle, is the problem.

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Yeah they stuck with 2000s level ARPG design in making everything global drops. If Helltides had drops that were attached to them or had something like splinters that were semi rare that dropped that once you got 100 you could spawn a Helltide boss that had rewards unique to Helltides they may be more popular. Blizzard devs are completely disconnected from modern design though.

12 people per layer, per zone max, always have been. Are you really trying to convince people there isn’t enough people playing to fill layer? :smiley:

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That and simply put…

As has been mentioned. They simply have to much going on in terms of calculations and variance to accommodate more than the present 4-12 player cap.

Not at all. I’m quite aware of the game design limitations.

They took 8 player parties and went to 4 in d3.

They did not reverse course since then.

It was the wrong direction for an MP game. (Limited MP)

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Wasn’t the Nightmare dungeons buffed significantly? Previously it was only really good for leveling glyphs because you can’t do it anywhere else. Now it seems to be the best way to level to 100.

Personally I don’t do Helltides unless I need Forgotten Souls. I think Helltides need an overhaul. The game mode itself is not novel, basically just a reskin of regular open world.

I mean, you couldn’t find public games in most difficulties in D3 for most of its later life. Not infeasible.