See you in season 6!

More tone-deaf patch notes with no positive direction for this class, some % damage increases we get that don’t even address the core problems of the class having no build diversity.

Other classes getting 2-3 extra uniques and multiple legendary aspects, we get one of each… cool.

Meanwhile let’s give barbs some more buffs, very smart!

See you all in season 6, maybe 7 if they still can’t get their s*** together by then.


Well that and they nerfed most decently performing druid builds damage by more than 50% by capping thunderstruck and removing core skills from Shepard’s aspect and then buffing their base damage by not enough (Tornado/Lightning Storm/Hurricane) or not at all (Wind Shear).

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Yup, really crazy they want to sell an expansion and a NEW class without ever addressing the problems from day 1 with the existing classes. I started playing Last Epoch and WOW what a breath of fresh air from this game, everything they do a**-backwards here they do the right way over there.

I just wish blizzard still had devs that liked games.

There are some positives but overall I feel you. Honestly I feel like the major positives will likely be nerfed at least some since we don’t have Barb or Arian in our class name. I’d bet my bottom dollar that Landslide doing 2x as much damage and hitting 2x as much will not make it off the PTR. If it does purr Landslide or maybe Stormslide is gonna be beastly…Cataclysm may even fit in there with it. Thunderstruck nerf really hurts, especially for builds like LS which will be completely dead since it has no good tempers.

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Maybe they will put a scaling dmg%x in the spirit boons. I mean, they could put HP, crit, crit dmg, super dmg %x all in one spirit boon so we can only choose one. That sounds like something they would do.


They really need a class liaison or something. The worst part is them not even connecting with the druid community. They clearly have no clue what they are doing with druids.

You are right, they really don’t. We are so aspect/unique starved to get basic functions like with Tempest Roar or Stormchasers for instance. It is way too difficult to get the class to “feel good” and then you have used up so many spots other classes can use for damage boosts that we just stay behind.

well i think upping the base damage has far more impact . So basic calculations . Lets say you have 2 * 30% buffs and a 60% and sheperd. now remove shepherd and make base 3 times as big .
100 * 1.3 *1.6 *1.3 *2.8(sheperd) =582.4
300 * 1.3 *1.6 *1.3 =811.2
And with shepherd gone we can take 2 other aspects. higher base damage just give higher calculations in the end. I think it is a buffs but if it is enough i dont know…

Thunderstuck is reduced by over 75% and skills like boulder and rabies didn’t even get the damage increase. The only thing boulder has going for it with keeping the wrath tag is the temper: Casting Wrath Skills Restores +[10 - 14] Primary Resource

I can’t help but feel even that will be nerfed

Things that could be looked into:

  1. Poison in general. We got a board, skills and affixes, but it has never been a thing. Poison is interesting cause it isn’t based on crit.
  2. Rabies. A skill that hasn’t seen much use. This season it’s remotly usable, but with apparant flaws (target dead before it can spread). Rabies will be dead in the water again with the change of Shepherd’s aspect.
  3. Landslide. Nobody casts it as it supposed to be. Its only used in Trampleslide. That’s really not what it should be.
  4. Defensive skills. More ranks in them should be meaningful, like shorter cooldowns. They haven’t been changed since launch.


Nah, Landslide self cast is very strong. You cast landslides and layer Creeper/slides over top and just spam the two. Play as bear landslide and get the Changeling benefits from poison creeper.

Agreed. I tend to play either Human/Lightning Storm or a Stormclaw/Werewolf build and there is nothing in the notes that indicated that things will get better for the druid. Honestly I am happy that they got rid of the Shepherds aspect because I hated having to use it to do decent damage but removing it and not replacing it with a massice damage increase is just wrong. And to top it off Rabies didn’t even get a buff. I want to see some GOOD rabies/poison aspects/uniques to make a rabies build viable.

Gotta wait another month and a half for proper max health scaling on Bulwark, QoL, bug fixes (?), and Nerfs. Cool beans!