Secret stygian stone droprate nerf with latest patch?

Feels like since the patch the stones hardly drop anymore from t7 hordes material chest. Used to get 3-4 every run. Now 4 runs striaght and nothing, same for party members…


It’s because they can’t fix blood or heart drops and have no ideas how to. So the best way forward is to slow everything down so inventorys are filled with living steel.


Stygian Stones are not a thing in the future.


Was just thinking about coming on here and posting the exact same thing… feels like the drop rate got hit hard in the most recent patch.

Shadow necro has been sitting down and shadow nerfing, calmly waiting for their next paycheck.

Just did T7 for the first time on me own.
Got 2 stingy rocks out of 400 aether

They nerfed them hard in the PTR. Haven’t seen one drop at all…

… Yes i know they are gone.


They absolutely nerfed them a week or so ago and did not tell anyone.

Yes I understand RNG can make one guy “feel” like something got nerfed while it didnt but I have run far too many pits and hordes this season to not notice.

On a T7 horde now im lucky to get 2 stones from 900 aether, think about that. 45 rolls for 2 stones.

In the Pit I see one maybe 1 in 15 times now.

I havent bought the expansion, I resisted the “omg shiney wings” kneejerk reaction and waited and im really glad I did.

This is a video game, these devs dont seem to be able to grasp that.

The PTR feedback is absolutely horrible and ontop of that they continue to do backhanded things like nerfing stones mid season.

Come November I doubt ill play this game again unless something drastically changes.


Yep they sure did
Very noticeable
Wtf :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

It was secretly nerfed since patch 1.5.1.

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It would be pretty funny if the S6 code that removed Stygian Stone drops (since there is no purpose for them anyways) got pushed into the 1.5.2 patch by accident.

100% they secretly nerfed it… along with aether drops… was getting 900-1000 often then dropped to anywhere from 300 to 500’s… lucky if get 600’s


i got the axpansion, but just the 40 dollar one. I knew we would be able to get tigers and stuff and most likely wings and new armor. Why pay premium for that? Just makes u feel forced to wear it all the times since you paid extra for it,

yeah noticed that too :frowning: Sux that they didnt communicate that. Whats even the point of tormented bosses if you can barely farm them

I dont bother with ptr, no rewards for time invested there. Feels like a job best suited for streamers to test stuff out.

How do you summon tormented bosses ont the ptr then?

Yeah I used to get 700-800 aether. Now it’s like 500ish. I still get stingy drops though. It’s less because my aether is less.

You just need the boss material. Like Varshan is 4 hearts and that’s it iirc.

Stygs are gone and this is a really great change.

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Yeah, noticed that too, if you want SS you better go T8

Maybe someone doesn’t want someone else to stack up too many sparks with S6 nerf in sight…just my 2 cents