Seasonal whispers reset progress constantly

check if you have any open quest like that on your list. like find 30 *** or similar things
FInish the quest and re-try, it fixed for me

Exorcist’s Cache was the quest for me

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I just had the problem for the first time today, after switching to WT3. A few days ago, while playing on WT2, I had no problems doing any whispers at all.

What seemed to work, was restarting the game, as the second I ALT-TAB out of the game, the glitch starts appearing again. Though, I haven’t fully checked if I can finish one whisper before it glitches without alt-tabbing out. Will do though!

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lmfao how is this still a thing since Feb 18th?

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I’m having the same issue. And contacting the support for this directly is pretty much impossible…

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I’m having this issue as well. I submitted “Feedback” in the app, we will see but I’m not optimistic. I am using this bug as a barometer to see if I keep playing and paying for my subscription services from Blizzard.

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Same here , still haven’t found a workaround . BLIZZARD PLEASE RESPOND !!! steam Technical Support PC Bug Report pc


Still getting this today, months after this report. What’s going on, Blizz?

Logging out/‘Leave game’ to character selection and reloading seems to ‘fix’ this for me

haha what a clusterf of a game… almost a year old, costs 100€ right off the bat, littered with mt’s, battle pass, but the game is so broken and trash to the core it’s unplayable it’s literally unplayable. No wonder why they are giving it away by including it in the xbox game pass. lol

My friend and I are having the exact same issue. Culling Knights and Harvesting Caldeum are both broke

Also getting the same issue, however I have found that doing the cellar’s work towards the progress.

Update: my grim favors reset to 1 just now

Update 2: eventually it just worked and I was able to get past the initial set of them

Same issue and this is making playing a lot less fun

I wish to live in a world where Blizzard would take these tickets seriously.

This has been going on since February and is a pretty big bug.

Came here to report the same issue…

It’s happening to me too. Some of the whisper events flash in and out on the world map as well. I was on World Tier 2 in the Fractured Peaks region with a level 9 Necro that was created in the previous Seasonal #2 Realm with campaign skipped. Diablo 4 Update: April 11th, 2024. Sometimes they flash in and out and I can’t complete the, for example, the ritual events, and other times they don’t flash in and out and I can complete the ritual events.

I’m experiencing this bug too, first time and I’ve had the game since launch played in all seasons.

This bug is introduced in S3.
I played S2 for ~120h and never had experienced it. Whispers which require obtaining or completing single target (cellars) can be finished but when you need to collect something it always resets progress. It’s bugged as hell.

I believe I might have got a work around for this if you and your friends play on the same gaming platform. At the character select screen, go to the Game Menu, then Options->Connect. Disable Cross-Network Play and save the changes. Quit the game, then launch it again.

i did also have this bug it did have it all (flashing nods on the map and reseting each second they flashed) it did stop flashing when i had done a sidequest and killed a treasure goblin in the area and i could collect and hand in the items and complete the whisper

Same problem on Xbox, how can this be going on size late February without a fix?