Seasonal transer to Eternal Realm


I think we should have a very clear list of items and materials that will not carry over to Eternal Realm, and also a list of all that does carry over. To dispel the mist around this and make it very clear to us all.

Thank you.

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You keep everything except season themed items or materials.


While that is pretty clear by itself, they also add a lot of new things each season to both eternal and seasonal realm, so I do agree it wouldn’t hurt if maybe they had some indicator like the seasonal icon on any item/aspect/glyph that won’t carry over. It’s a minor QoL improvement but I think it would def be appreciated by some and help set clear expectations.


Current list of items that will be removed upon transferring to Eternal Realm from your Season 2 characters:

  1. Potent Blood
  2. Blood Lures
  3. Seeker Keys
  4. All Consumable Pact Items (armor will still transfer without the pact symbols on them)
  5. AoZ - Blood Forged Sigils
  6. AoZ - Tears of Blood Glyph
  7. All Midwinter Blight Currency Items (Cosmetics obtained are obviously permanent)*

*Please note Midwinter Blight will end on January 2, 10 a.m. PST, where as Season 2 will end on January 23, 10 a.m. PST.

Agreed there should be a list as people will continue to ask this question every season, would be nice if Blizzard just had it written out.


Hello Iggi,

As you mentionned;
7. 1. All Midwinter Blight Currency Items (Cosmetics obtained are obviously permanent)*

However during campfire chat the developers mentionned the Gileon’s Brew would carry over after midwinter blight…
It seems almost everonye thinks it will also carry over to Eternal Realm after season 2 ends.
I do think they will get erased but… the way it was said sure opens a gap for confusion.

I think it should be clarified.

Gideon’s Brew also goes to eternal.

it goes to eternal, just like every other elixir

I did only mention Currency items. I tried to keep it short by not listing all 4 currency items. I assumed Elixirs would be carrying over since they’re just consumables, so I didn’t add them to the list of things that would not be transferred over. I wouldn’t see any reason why they wouldn’t transfer over to Eternal Realm but I guess we’ll see.

It doesn’t matter. It isn’t D3 where each season carries you paragon point until 20k. End of season delete all season toons. There are no eternal realm.

Your wish is my command!

S2 To Eternal or not to Eternal. That is the question. :grey_question: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

the winterblight aspect isnt disappearing at season end. why would you suggest that

Power is based on midwinter event which is gone Jan 2 or so. How would this work on eternal? The midwinter part would just be unusable???

After 30 seconds of Night’s Grasp, gain Dawn’s Haste, increasing your Attack Speed by 25-35% and Movement Speed by 20% for 12 seconds. While empowered by the Midwinter Ward, killing an enemy reduces Night’s Grasp’s duration by 1 second.

the aspect itself gives you nights grasp effect. the only thing not around is the totem to get the buff to reduce the time so you can have buff at practically all time

that is why they told us to stock up on them now while we can because they do persist after the event

So it goes to eternal but this part does nothing? Eternal has a midwinter ward??? Isnt that the statuey thing in middle of zone.

While empowered by the Midwinter Ward, killing an enemy reduces Night’s Grasp’s duration by 1 second.

Researching where this was stated and will update. thx

IF you cant reduce the timer then this aspect is nearly worthless on eternal as 18s of the time it does nothing. Right??

Hi you seem to know stuff.

Will I be able to keep the dog that I befriended in Gea Kul during the season? He follows me when I walk around town so he is clearly mine.


This aspect going to eternal makes 0 sense as it has ties to midwinter event so ofcaorse its going to eternal then! lolz. Bliz jokesters!

That pupper is yours forever, on the bright side he technically won’t die due to old age either, just the servers shutting down.

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It’s not 18 seconds of downtime. It’s 30 seconds down. 12 seconds up.

If it was 18 down 12 up, you’d have 40% uptime but the total duration of one rotation without the Ward reduction is 42 seconds, where you have 28.5% uptime.

At that point it’s a debate if 28.5% uptime of attack speed and movement speed is worth it for your build. I’m sure someone somewhere could code a comparison calculator but that’s not something I’m going to spend time on, I’ve already got skill trees to design.

oh i agree it isnt good. i already think its trash and wouldnt use it, but all im saying is they said stockpile the aspect and elixir now because we wont be able to get more once the event goes away. implying we get to keep them even when it goes to eternal

True true.

20 characters.