Seasonal reset cringe will be the death of this game

They even managed to ruin hardcore :d

Painful would be a good word for it. Class design for early level is unfun and doesn’t get better. Character scaling killed power progression and the fun of leveling. So you feel like leveling is a chore and your are bound by RNG without open trading.

D4 ends up a failure like D3 and rather quickly unless the Devs release big news.

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As someone that bought the Ultimate Edition I want to play season 1 at least to justify my purchase, but depending on what they say tomorrow I might just bail for Baldur’s Gate 3 once August 3rd rolls around and then Starfield following that.

After the bazzillion threads and posts but only a few people want it? It’s one or the other man

If players don’t start from level 1, it doesn’t work. Exclusive content and the reset are fundamental to the results seasons produce.

One reason it doesn’t work is you’ll play ~10 hours on your 100 character and then quit, because you’ve skipped the best part of the game: progressing from slow and weak, to fast and powerful on a new character. When you skip the gameplay loop, the community has no longevity or continuity.

Seasons are optional. Players aren’t restricted in any way. You can come back a few seasons later and have the content from previous seasons in eternal on your 100 character if that’s how you want to play, but that doesn’t sustain a thriving community.

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I think seasons (or leagues, or ladder resets, etc) are a pretty core component of the genre. I do think when the reset comes if other things are not addressed as inducement to the season reset/restart, THAT will be a problem.

Itemization is terrible. Not sure of the point of doing higher ND’s (unless solely for the xp) because itemization doesn’t match the effort. I am still wearing a level 70 chest at level 95 because nothing in those 25 levels has been an upgrade. That doesn’t feel good at all. Itemization is bonkers and lazy (imo).

RNG is in a weird spot. Ultra rare, lottery ticket unique items - fine, who cares. I guess for some these will be chase items. But “regular” unique items that define builds should not be (or feel) impossible to get. I have been chasing a tempest roar for 95 levels and have yet to see one but have gotten a dozen of the werebear equivalent. That doesn’t make sense and is defeating.

Leveling could use some tuning. It is a slog fest and the map being nearly “fresh” for alts makes no sense and is tedious. - I think they may have stated they are addressing this, can’t remember. Gear being tied to the level it drops (or even the aspects tied to the level the originating item dropped) is a weird choice.

Paragon is…not a fun system after the first time. Tedium does not equal content and artificially extending time investment through chores is not fun (imo).

CC feels slightly over tuned. Also not sure why every other elite pack seems to have the same fire/explode “thing” affix.

Density is a real issue. I can do a NM dungeon and the first 2-5 rooms will be completely empty of mobs and then the next room will have a pack of 2-5. This is diablo. Where the f are the demons and monsters?

Stash space…no point in even talking about this.

I think S1 will be a true test for the game. I hope they can pull it off but right now, in a lot of ways, D4 feels all “stick” and no “carrot”.

In case you haven’t noticed yet, official general forums are a cesspool of hate. People mostly come either to complain or because they have some mental issue/quirk.

People who do want season have nothing to say and are simply playing (or waiting).


You don’t need to get to level 100 though.
No idea where you got that idea.

You level battle pass by doing objectives and gaining xp.
You don’t actually have to hit 100 in the season for any reason at all besides your own personal satisfaction.

You can keep deleting your character after it hits level 10 every time and make new seasonal character and still reach max rank of battle pass.

Matter of opinion…

What’s wrong with the butcher? :joy:

In the season pass there will probably be XP boosts

Imagine using the term rogue like when HC is an option on this game….

Yes, because seasons absolutely killed d3.


Right? I see the Butcher and I smile. FREE LOOT!
Think that Demon is the scared one now!

boy you’re saltier than the sea

alright calm down, lets not act like diablo is something it isn’t, lol. Wow end game is far more challenging than diablo has ever been, xD

This is the persons fifth post about seasons. Fam really needs to let it go.

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Seasonal characters only make sense when those characters are also hardcore characters. Fact.

Lol my guy is discovering seasons in a ARPG. Funny.

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Levelling does lose charm when monsters do also.