Season vs Eternal for S4 - Why play season for S4?

For those that are exclusively seasonal players…why would you play on season instead of eternal this time around? Out of habit? I am genuinely curious.

It seems all the mechanics of getting resplendent sparks are redundant to simply playing with the ubers of a previous seasonal character that already has the ubers (or the ubers to salvage and recraft to new ubers) . Quest line can be done with a new character quickly if one really wanted to just see the quest.

To me, it seems like this would be the one time a season player would want to just replay their existing characters in eternal? What am I missing here from the season only crowd when it comes to s4?

Thank you in advance for your insights!

PS, Iggi re-cemented GOAT status again! Get the man a press pass!


Because starting fresh is just more fun.

No other reasons are needed.
Hopefully Blizzard realize that at some point, and make all content available at the same time in Season and Eternal.
Different players can then pick Eternal or Season based on their preferences.


ARPGs are about playing new chars so why not play seasonal?

BTW they make leveling in S4 even faster and TBH it starts to be kinda silly. Just let us start with lvl 100 chars every new season.

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It would be nice if more seasonal players thought like this. Unfortunately, most can’t seem to enjoy resets without also being gatekeepers to new content. If resets are really a great thing that everyone enjoys, you shouldn’t need special content or a gimmick to relevel a character.

  1. New FREE Battle Pass.
  2. New Iron Wolves Questline.
  3. 18 Iron Wolves rewards.
  4. New season only Helltide elixir.
  5. New season only Legendary items for each class.
  6. New season only mount trophy and banner.
  7. Fresh start with everyone else.

Because of the Big mess to clean up in eternal. I have no idea what items to keep? Damage resist ones?

Season and figure it out later gets the nod.

I have some 4 resist pants. I guess those.


But couldn’t you just do a reset in eternal anyways for a fresh start?

I understand Avalon’s point on cosmetics, but other than what will be a very thin quest line, seems like a ‘reset’ in eternal and seasonal is functionally the same for S4 with materially no seasonal mechanics.

Why not just start fresh with shako?

@Nailclipper,Oslek, Urza, thanks for the perspectives.

Eternal will not have these.

The new ones :point_down:

  • Urn of Nightmares: Boost Paragon Glyph XP earned in Nightmare Dungeons.
  • Urn of Iron: Boost your reputation with the Iron Wolves from Helltide activities.
  • Urn of Burning Obols: Boost the amount of Obols you can find in Helltide chests, which contain Obols during this season.

The old ones :point_down:

  • Urn of Aggression: This blessing boosts XP earned from monster kills.
  • Urn of Whispers: This blessing will boost the chance to receive a Greater Cache from completing Grim Favors for the Tree of Whispers.
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I do like the obol one. I love me rolling amulets but with new changes probably not as good now as rares are kinda trash. The paragon glyph xp is juicy for sure.

I guess I genuinely don’t understand the simultaneous desire to reset but want to boost through the reset to get back to 100 and leveled up glyphs.

I intuitively understand a reset to have progression again. Or fast leveling (which means just start with eternal). But to have reset and redo everything quickly to arrive back at the same place…just doesn’t click for me.

Thanks for the effort of helping me understand your perspective though!

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For me it’s really just playing a new class. Or at least give me a reason to start a new class.

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When seasons first came out in D3 10 years ago I was like why in the world would anyone play seasons. Once I tried my first one I never went back to NS. For me it was all about completing all of the tasks within the season chapters (Journey) and some were difficult at first. After sometime I figured things out so I had a sense of accomplishment. Same with D4 seasons.


Season also gives ppl defined goals to hit while eternal has less of these. So its great for those folks that like to tick off boxes.


I would feel different if it took as long to get to 100 as it does with D2 level 99. The games is really geared towards a casual playerbase so the re-leveling is a non-issue and the season gimmicks can be fun. But S3 I was done with my main in 3 weeks with the battlepass/season journy 100% complete by the first week.

I do also like the cosmetics/titles but every season I play something a little different.

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As someone that only played seasons, I’ll be playing eternal during season 4 as there is literally no incentive or new content in S4 except for cosmetic items I don’t care about.

Blizzard didn’t need to have new season powers for S4, but a unique activity/storyline is the bare minimum for me to play season. As it is I just prefer grinding new builds on eternal anyway.

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I kind of wish season’s only lasted a week. Then I could start over 52 times a year!

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well, the obvious part is that while its a “light season” its still a seasonal questline. Im curious to see how the integrated the iron wolves, and what they offer me.

Also, gauntlet is only available on seasonal players, and i do plan to score nicely there again like in s3.

and of course, to finish it off, because a clean start is fun.

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U cray cray like crayola crayons with a new color called Creon.

Im trying to sound hip and cool. Did it work?

For you it might be. Not for me


I like building characters from the ground up. While I agree S4 has introduced a lot of endgame improvements, the itemization has also affected early and mid game sufficiently for me to want to experience scaling and growth from lvl1 again. The side quest also gives some small nice boosts to the journey so why not.