Season Realm Only Content Sucks

Preface: I’ve leveld every class. Played every season (usually not all the way through). Ive 100s of hours in this game by now.
Firmly believe that relegating Season Content to 3 month realms is a vestigial, outmoded form of content delivery. Now that players have had enough seasons to try every class atleast once, I think this reality is going to set in even more over the next year.

Re-leveling the same classes over and over is lame. People want to play the endgame and new activities. It’s time for Eternal Realms to be included in Seasonal Content. The game clearly doesnt care about power scaling anymore. Let players play how they want with full access and let the chips fall where they may.


I completely agree with you, but I doubt they will change the model. I don’t buy the monetization argument either. They can still introduce season passes every three months, which we need to complete by killing monsters and doing certain seasonal bosses. We can only hope for World of Diablo 5 to turn the Diablo franchise into an MMO.

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Let me guess, you’re also coming here from World of Warcraft that has paid level boosts as in game feature and are new to Diablo like games? It works like that in most modern hack n slash and won’t change.

Also important aspect to remember is that devs can go crazy with seasonal content mechanics that wouldn’t work well if they stayed in the base game forever.

I refuse to allow Seasonal mechanics in Eternal Realm because I enjoy Eternal Realm because it has no Seasonal mechanics. Keep all that crap in Seasonal Server. Eternal Realm should just be as it is. Never ending plain diablo 4.


100’s??? I have 2068 hours… And I have a full time job, so in before I get the “you play all day in ur moms basement” remarks

Not when you enjoy the class and there’s different viable builds that could at least make it through the seasonal journey. Which was true of all classes up until season 4. Hopefully this season was just an outlier in that regard.

I doubt this is changed but for s4, s5, and I would assume s6 the differences between Eternal and Seasonal realms will probably be quite small from what we’ve experienced (s4/s5PTR) or expect (s6)

I’ve been playing Diablo games since I first picked up Diablo 1 in Junior High when it released. I’ve played each sequel. The old seasonal model of temporal servers is as old as I am. It doesnt make any sense in 2024.

Originally, the ladder and resets were a way to keep engagement because content was sparse between Seasons. I know because I was there.

So as a certified b00mer, im telling you that you’re playing an antiquated delivery model that was built for an entirely different set of circumstances.


I’d have no issues with seasonal gimmicks coming to Eternal as long as the Seasonal Realms remained untouched and reset every 3 months. I don’t think it would keep people coming back for more then a week or more though for those who play on the Eternal Realm. Seasonal Gimmicks are usually better for leveling purposes, and they add a little bit of help at the endgame, but they really aren’t doing much else.

Out of all of the gimmicks we’ve had since launch, they enhanced builds, and made things slightly easier, but if you’re already decked out in BiS gear due to only playing on Eternal, it’s not doing much for you at this point other then maybe allowing you to go a couple of extra tiers in the Pit.

I think the main reason they won’t do it is because they have the numbers of people who play Eternal versus those who play on Seasonal. I imagine it’s heavily skewed toward the Seasonal Realm, probably not even close if we’re being honest. This is just speculation though, but seeing as there’s typically posts a week or two after a season hits of Eternal being empty, I don’t think I’m too far off.

Again I agree with your idea, as others have stated it as well since launch to bring Seasons into Eternal, I just don’t see it happening.

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Which doesn’t imply outdated. It just mean that players with a different mindset were appealed (with absurdly massive marketing, let’s be honest) to the game.

I’m all for seasonal content, but it doesn’t seem to me that Blizzard want to really exploit it to its full potential. I’m still waiting for a seasonal gimmick to be pushed and integrated into core game, not necessarily as a new endgame but at least as something else to do.

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No, no, no and no! The Eternal Realm is how the game is supposed to be played without all the seasonal gimmicks and power creep. The game is a bit more balanced there I feel. It’s way easier to play the game with a Seasonal theme as the characters are more powerful thanks to all those gimmicks.

I find that if you want to master a class then play it on Eternal where you have to actually have a good build and solid fundamentals to sustain you.

I do enjoy Seasonal content of course but once I am done with the Seasonal flavor of the quarter then I also play on the Eternal Realm between seasons (usually for a few weeks before a new Season starts).

TC doesn’t really want seasonal content on Eternal Realm. He just want to clear the season content in a few hours instead of starting from zero.