Welcome to the bug-filled season, which I’ve affectionately named the Season of “Unknown Killers.” Seasons like this can really zap your motivation to play. I’ve seen a lot of players bail early on, and even fewer are sticking around for the next season, which is a real bummer.
The removal of death potions was, let’s be honest, a pivotal moment where Blizzard’s reputation took a nosedive, buried under a mountain of bugs and lackluster content. This season promised thrills and chills but ended up being a scavenger hunt for tiny rewards that require players to traipse all over the map. Sure, it’s meant to encourage exploration, but come on!
Sadly, it seems the development team prioritized content variety over fixing bugs and exploits. Maybe the QA team needs a few more members or a crash course in bug hunting?
Let’s be real for a second. After grinding for gear, leveling up glyphs, and spending hours farming reputation, only to have your champion bite the dust due to an Unknown Killer, it can get a bit tedious and downright infuriating.
The silver lining this season is that you don’t have to redo your class quest, especially if you’re a druid. The class quest indicator is still there, though, which feels like a “We’re already dropping the ball, so why prioritize this?” moment.
Death potions could have been a lifesaver against those pesky insta-deaths from unknown killers. Kudos to the genius who decided to remove them—truly a masterclass in player disengagement. Maybe they’re a double agent for POE?
For those unaware, “unknown killers” are those random deaths that can happen from just standing around or being obliterated by mobs way below your level. From Twilight Warding mishaps to plummeting through the floor, the deaths are plentiful. Ignoring bugs like the Andariel phase mechanics or running through the open world only to see your tombstone pop up instantly is just part of the charm. I wonder if the fancy tombstones have something to do with it… nah, that’s just silly, right? Though, I do seem to die less when I leave the tombstone at default.
Out of the 20 champions that have met their demise this season, only 2 fell due to my own mistakes. The rest fell to the Unknowwnnn Killlleerrrr.
The Dev, QA, and PM/PO teams are probably thinking, “This player has no clue about the work that goes into the next season.” To that, I say: wrong! I’m sure your sprints have a detailed plan for development, testing, and release, but the higher-ups might be a bit too full of themselves and missing the mark. Maybe a little shake-up in the PM/PO hierarchy wouldn’t hurt!
I’ll even come take over, for a price.