Season of broke poor soul and one shot galore with a bonus of brick brick brick

There… I summarized Season 4 for all of you in my title…

At first I was so hyped about this season, with all the changes seemingly positive I bought the premium battle pass and ready to enjoy myself for a blast of a season…


I knew I was wrong…

No one I’d want to spend another dime in the shop with the state of the game like this. Absolutely no urge at all…

----- Edit-----

Did they remove the enchanting cap on purpose knowing this season is more casino like than any other season since release ?


Was looking so promising for a few days wasn’t it… Don’t think reality exists at blizzard anymore. Pretty sure it’s entirely run by an evil AI that has frontmen with chips installed.
Love to see each upper management be given a controller and asked to play tier 100 with the condition of one chance or your out…


Perfect title.

Especially the brick part. F*** tempering RNG.

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Completely agree. Although endgame wise…I think they are pretty close to balancing gold economy right with draining gold out through the high end masterwork.

But unless you can run 120 pits + (most can’t, I can’t) gold economy is really bad.

Despite the 1 shot mechanics, I’m still enjoying the game. I suppose I’m not playing as hardcore as others though.

I am hoping Blizzards see’s this and tries to make everybody Happy. Which will never happen.

There needs to be a way to refresh tempers when RNG inevitably bricks a greater legendary.

I’m tired of getting something good, only to have RNG somehow ruin it. It’s bad enough trying to find items that have 2/3 (better than before, but still…) bonuses you need for your build, but then you have to get the two tempered bonuses in 5 tries and each category is 1:3 or 1:4.

The layers of RNG aren’t necessary. If the item wasn’t good, I could just salvage it and move on, but when it seems good, you waste all this gold tempering it and it often ends up bricked.

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People you are not clever enough. If you want Blizzard to change a thing you have to do it through the mouth of the BBC (Beautiful Barbarian Community). The devs will do everything to please barbs.

Barbs say:

  • I dont like brikking items, i dont like RNG, i like Auction House so i can buy BIS items on day 1, i saw filthy peasant heartseeker rogue doing more than 17 damage please nerf

Blizzard says:

  • o.k.

That seems to pretty much cover it all.

I get one-shotted by Uber Lilith waves and can’t get past the beginning of second phase after 20 attempts with what should be a 90%+ optimized build and have only seen one triple greater, but it wasn’t optimal for the sorcerer build I considered trying. I’ve seen a fair share of greater legendaries that would have been upgrades had they not bricked with bonuses not used by build.

The temper system should have improved the likelihood of gear being good because you only need 2/3 instead of 3/4 bonuses to match endgame build, but now the gear that should be good ends up bricking the gear from bad RNG. There’s an easy solution to allow the temper durability to be repaired for like 1 million gold (non-increasing), but they didn’t think of that and no matter how much I may want that change, they may never hear me, let alone care enough to act on it.

These small changes won’t remove the RNG from the game. Nothing overall will change, but adding QoL fixes makes the player base happier. I personally like less stress and frustration in games. I don’t like playing a game to pass the time and ending up angry and frustrated and unable to stop pondering on ways to fix the game that I ultimately have no control over implementing, yet can’t stop pondering over…

It’s almost like I want to just kill my hope for improvement so that I can move on. That sounds pretty dark, though.

It feels like the game has been improved with Loot Reborn, but still missed the mark by adding a new layer of RNG (already have too many and don’t need another one) in the form of temper-bricking.

The enchanting 3.5 million gold cap isn’t a low enough cap (and honestly shouldn’t increase in the first place… just give us a flat value of 100,000-500,000 gold per reroll and three options instead of two and keep the stay the same option). We’ll still never reach perfection.

when tempering an item i have to roll then if i get what i want it rolls agian. they are retarded at blizzard. diablo 4 is basically gambling and a cash shop were 1 skin cost half the games price. what a joke. diablo 4 is not good.

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blizzard thinks micro is 25$ and on top of that they turn the enchanting and upgrading system into gambling because u can brick an item. let me pick what i want then let it roll. not this garbage thank you