Season journey - mounts rewards show claimed but not show in the mount list

both chapter 3 - strips and point, chapter slayer - salmagundi, show claimed in the journey but i can see them in the mount list, im hope these bug gonna be fixed, it will be rly shame to lose these for good

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They came out with a post and said they are working for people that are claiming them now, if you claimed them before you arent getting them. Tough luck, Blizz dgaf about you. Dont forget to buy a battle pass for them!

SinfulScribeCommunity Manager


Previously, players were experiencing issues with receiving rewards from the Season of Blood Battle Pass and Seasonal Journey. We have rolled out a fix for these issues that will begin to take effect over the next hour or so. Do note that Season Journey progress acquired prior to the release of this fix will not apply retroactively. You will lose no progress made on your Battle Pass, and now can claim all earned rewards from your Tiers. You should also now see progress incrementing correctly on Season Journey tasks.

Thank you for your feedback and patience. /blockquote

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that’s irritating. I’m still having the same issue with my battle pass not seasonal journey though. I hope they will fix it sooner than later.