Season is too short!

Does anyone feel that the seasons are too short? We currently have just 3 months in 1 season.
Blizzard has to recognise that there are casual players who are also in the workforce who can only invest an hour or so of game time a day. 3 months would not give these people sufficient time to explore the breath of contents available with each season.

Instead, every 3 months, everyone has to restart everything. This is actually a negative experience for many players.

I would instead suggest for each season to be extended to between 4 to 6 months.
The unforeseen extension of the season of construct (S3) was very welcoming for me and i believe to many of the gamers here.


3 months is too long not short


Usually I’m done within 1 month, maybe 1 and a half myself. I also don’t strive for top tier stuff though. I have my fun, get bored, play something else until the next season hits. 3 months is just right with me.

Also I’m one of those people you mention that has maybe a couple of hours a night to play. I’ve managed to make 2 characters this season, got them both to 100, decently geared (nothing fancy) and was able to beat Tier 100 pits on both characters. My goals have been met, almost.

I still need to kill Uber Lilith and Uber Andariel, along with finding the commanders in helltides. After that I’m officially done until next Season. I will need to delete some toons, but future me can worry about that though.

All this being said I do have friends who are even more casual then I am, who have actually gotten their own characters to 100 recently (well last month) and are enjoying going through the Pits right now. Still plenty of time for them.


Two months would feel just right


3 months is good enough. Got my fun and did everything

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If you cannot complete the season journey in 90 hrs you might want to start playing something else.


Yep. Been done with the season 1-2 weeks ago.

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sounds like you should be playing eternal with me lol.

That being said, there have been sweeping changes or changes so extreme that I have to basically refarm everything of half of everything every single season.

So…go figure…

Season 3 was 4 months long. And by blizzard data, people still didn’t complete the Season Journey. (We all got email about it). So no at this point in the game’s life cycle, it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s not like casuals are giving blizzard more money just for having the game.

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I am a casual, and work, and have a family. I’m usualy done with the season in 2 months.

Nope. Not me. Was boreing af.


So you’re telling me…it’s working as intended.
wink nod

I’ve been done for a few weeks now. I’d be happy with 2 month season of it weren’t for the fact the dec team need more time to implement each season.

Since they revamped stuff in Season 4, your best bet is actually to wait for Season 5 so that everything from Season 4 will convert to Eternal, IMHO.

I already basically elvelled my alt necro to 96 and I have all the uber uniques now. I would go to seasons if I wanted to farm some sparks, but at this point, i’ll just wait til the next uber is released and farm them then.

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honestly d4 is pretty casual by now. even the extremely casual people i play with are done in like 1,5 months. With casual id say like 5 hours ish per week.

Personally id say if you honestly cant play enough in a 3months time span, the eternal realm might be the smarter choice for you.


Season story line content is WAY too short! Typically done within a few days (depending on time played). I want MORE story line to drive the season not just grinding away for season perks.

Also add some of the seasons content to the eternal servers… getting tired of creating new chars.

I find them rather too long. Although i don’t play that much, i usually finish the journey after 3 weeks and then another 3-4 weeks for build perfection.

There’s no need to mention the battlepass, it reaches max level so quickly.

1 month is enough for me. But consider most people, the season shouldn’t be too rushed.
And it’s just a game, not all of my life, so it’s a good idea to play every 3 months for a period.

You can do everything in 90 hours probably with more than one class.

If you can´t it is skill issues and that is not game problems.

3 months are ideal.

Why even mess with seasonal if you don’t play a lot? I have literally been having fun on a d3 character that is at least 6 years old and I could still work on that if I wanted to. Starting over continually is mad overrated I like to preserve my progress because you never know when you might pick something back up where you left off.

Just my opinion, I’ve played every diablo game and never really understood the seasonal mindset.

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