Season 7 season of disconnects or crashes

Every time I portal to a different area I disconnect or crash


Same. Anytime I’m teleporting in and out of dungeons or going to waypoints, I get kicked out.


It’s happened multiple times now. Any time i go to the tree of whispers, or literally any portal it crashes. So frustrating because i want to stay positive about this season but off to a poor start


Same here. Weirdly, it’s the same trigger that crashes POE2. Loading in to new towns…


I am crashing sometimes on starting the game. It gets stuck on “Logging in to Diablo IV.” Cancel button does not work. Have to end task from Task Manager. Happening almost every time I boot the game.


Same problem with login and of the two times I did get to play one ended in the “black screen” of death on a town portal attempt. This season sucks so far.


same issue, already scan and repaired, uninstalled and reinstalled… JUST LIKE LAST SEASON…


Just found a possible work around. Make sure you have the “High Res Texture” pack installed. This issue came up in S6 as well, they eventually fixed it but apparently the two seasonal teams don’t talk to each other about game breaking issues. Before I installed the texture pack the game launched once every 10 or 12 tries. After the patch I just had 5 successful launches in a row.

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This is what I was looking for, so it’s not just my antiquated system, though it is likely more strongly affected.

Yep, for some reason the game is working so bad this season, so many random crashes and lag.

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Still taking multiple attempts to login. No issues prior seasons for me. Freezes at same spot every time “Logging into Diablo IV…”


Yep, everytime I portal to a town or from the map, game crashes and even crashes my PC, never had issues prior to this season. Wonder how long before this is addressed…

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Me too. Especially when interacting with the NPCs at the new tree of whispers. Specifically it happens at the Occultist a lot!

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Same here. Game is currently pretty unplayable. I repeatedly get kicked in fights, dialogue points, and while examining menus. One interesting item is that it appears that when I re-enter via the Blizzard launcher, ever 2nd or 3rd time the launcher goes through the update process for the game, but the game version appears unchanged. I was having crash problems before the new season but it is now exponentially worse. I’ve worked through their list of fixes, but the problem remains constant. One question I had for the group: I have an overclocked system - came that way from the manufacturer. While the system runs fine on other games, I’m wondering if D4 spots something in the system and shuts it down.


Constant game crashing, it’s unplayable. Here are a few Report ID’s is support wants them

Report ID’s

Doing the “Oaths and Debts quest”, it crashes when I try to enter the “overgrown tenement” in Gea Kul

Fighting monsters outside of Gea Kul


Last Season i had rly much problems with lags and screen freezings. I bought a brand new SSD just for this game and then everything was fine.

But this season i got more laga and more freezes.
In normal game like helltide or walking around or normal dungeons i got no problems. If i start something with season like the start quest or witchtide or season caves for quests: Crashes, lags, 20 sec freezes. Thats rly sad.


Crashed after a long time with error about graphics memory.
I have plenty of memory.
I remember it was happening during the Vessel Of Hatred launch but blizzard fixed sometime.
Now happened again after season 7 launch.


I was doing some witch hunt bounties about an hour and got booted out of the game. Went to log back in and it said my character was still being saved and to try again in a few minutes. I waited about an hour and now every time the game locks up at “Logging into Diablo IV” screen and I have to kill the task to get it to close…


Was not having these issues before the season started. 80% of the time I portal anywhere I crash on loading in, black screen with darkened health and mana pool. Chat still works during that time but it never loads in. I have to relog anytime I go anywhere, and horse travel is still awful so I don’t really want to run everywhere. 75% of the time I get a loading screen I crash, which makes dungeons, hordes, the pit, basically anything I need to do to progress unplayable. I’ve lost almost every glyph upgrade I’ve earned because the game crashes when I click on the pedestal to upgrade my glyphs. I’m stunned that there hasn’t been any communication about this, even just saying “we are aware of the issue”. This was probably going to be my last D4 season and which the lack of communication it absolutely will be. I can tell the devs all play on console because that side of things has had no issues from what I’ve heard.

I was really looking forward to this being the season that roped me back in, but it still feels like a game that is half baked, and I don’t really understand why I spent upwards of 200$ for a game that is still in early access. Every season doesn’t build on the base game it tries to fix something and breaks something else. How is this a AAA game, from Blizzard… Egg on my face for trusting the team. I’m sure they are trying hard, but goodness is the ball not moving forward.


Yup. And i keep freezing and sling shotting in all the season areas