Everything is based on Earthquake, which is the worst place barb has ever been in. Even when they were under performing, at least there was some variety.
One could argue that there is the most variety in the builds now, because you can practically do anything so long as you are basing your damage on Earthquake. But, that’s just it… all other damage is meaningless. You wanting a bleed barb? Nope. Basic Skill barb? Nope. You get Earthquakes, and that’s it.
It won’t change atm, but I’m just saying… don’t do this type of s__ in the future with barb or any other class. It’s boring.
I can’t hear you over my earthquakes.
There’s actually a really good iron maelstrom build that hits for 100s of billions, iron maelstrom spammed.
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While I agree with the OP, I am okay with it since this is my first leap quake Barb I’ve tried…and it is so much fun.
Might of the Earth rules D4 lol. I love earthquakes.
Basing every build around Uniques which are walled behind Ladder Boss mats only works if/when I can obtain every Boss mat in relatively equal portion. Hello, Distilled Fear?
All it takes is a little time. They pretty much all drop from caches you get while lvling. We dont need to make stuff easier at this point 
I don’t disagree everyone is playing earthquakes, myself included. It is strong and new with the new chest piece, It goes without saying that people are gonna wanna try that.
That being said, I played mighty throw last season. It was awesome; I enjoyed the place style. I have no reason to believe that if I focused on mighty throw with the witch powers that I wouldn’t be able to be successful.
I think the variation is there, I doubt I could do 150 with mighty throw, But if all I focused on was optimizing it, I’m sure it would be a competitive build.
We all again myself included play what’s fun and new.
My intention is to push earthquakes as far as I can this season and then when I get bored and we will get bored, I’ll swap. With the help of the armory, swapping is gonna be even easier. For once I have a plan that may actually sustain me on the same character through the whole season
It would be nice if you could transmute boss mats easier…
It’s just…you know, it could have been a cleave temper and animation paired with existing bleed damage over time mechanics to keep a melee flavor. It didn’t have to become a fully spell caster class. That continues to feel a bit weird. Seriously, tornadoes spawn from earth quakes? For a Barbarian??? We even have the Moni rune combo to cast earth quakes at range spell.
Absolutely agree - earthquakes are ridiculously OP and require zero brain power. Skills are optional, you can just Bac/Tec and walk around liquifying everything. I very quickly stripped out all earthquakes from my build and went all-in on upheaval instead.
Last season Spiritborn was ridiculously OP, but every other class was actually decently balanced against each other and you had to work to hit 100+. Now we have multiple OP classes except the mechanics are even more brainless.
I picked half-right this season in a HotA /Quake hybrid.
HotA hits damn hard crit overpowers but I started noticing my secondary quakes outperforming it even though I was not full specced into it.
I gave up and started leaning into quake hard and just destroyed things even faster.
Then I gave up on the season. Maybe even the game. I dunno.
You do not even need the uniques unless you are Pit Pushing
This EQ build works great with just Ancestrals and can do Pit 110 no problem, its almost 2 easy to be honest.
I have no desire to push pit to 150 so that is only place this season falls short, once build is done to where I can kill everything T4, do a pit 110 nothing else matters
Jokes aside this is the first time I’ve felt like an A Tier Class. Just finished pit 120 and with my setup that’s probably as far as I’ll go. I can lean more into earthquakes but I don’t want to. I’m expecting a nerf and more of a balance between the three pillars of Heavy Hitter (earthquakes, dust devils, ultimate) by next season and I like that my build maximizes all three. It’s also set up in a way that’s just super fun for me. I do agree I don’t want everything to be “earthquakes or nothing” but I also don’t want to see them swing too hard in the other direction and put me back to C Tier at best.
It’s even funnier if you use LithTec you can just stand still and every thing dies 
eff a earthquake, give it to druids
barb is melee
i like melee
im sad
Totally agree with Final.
When I think of earthquakes and dust devils I think of druid.
When I think of a barbarian, I think of Conan, he had a giant sword, no earthquakes, no dust devils just pure melee might and muscle!
I really wish Barbarian would stick with that 
What’s funny is Leap is actually not part of the “Leap Quake” build lol.
i skill gameplay is cancer period
Well it is until you try to pit push and change to WotB ultimate…which I argue is quite a bit less fun.