Season 5: End Season Review: S6 Hype Train

Okay, I have been writing these sh*tposts off and on throughout the past few seasons for not a lot of reason. Mostly just to kill time and get thoughts out of my head and exercise writing and such. For those not in the know, I’ve been doing somewhat of a ‘bit’ while writing these.

Essentially, I am trying to get across Asmongold’s kind of almost trolly angry energy that seems to resonate so much with so many people. But also it was dramatic effect a bit to try and get into it and create a fun read kind of tone. Trying to build a voice or whatever type effect in the readers. It’s mostly been an in joke and also I’m doing it in the tone of a somewhat mid niche comedy show called ‘Review’. Just to have a little fun and blow off some steam with everyone in game playing at my Diablo addiction and the theme of that show.

A little bit more about me but I am pretty old school and go way back so I always hope one day people I know or have worked with on the internet can see what I am saying and my brand continues to grow as my network or coalition can work and cooperate together on whatever we come up it. I have done some feedback for game communities before so we can feed off each other when we get our names seen or messages spread. All that aside, I do notice that people tend to listen and Blizzard and the D4 devs seem to do a really good job of listening to the players and all the fans from all the generations of us that have come out for D4. The game has grown so much and the devs have really done a great job.

Here’s my few things I have to comment about this season as we get into the launch of the new expansion soon. This time, I am being more neutral in tone and genuine or honest.

Really enjoyed the Hordes and the season theme with the setup. Everything was enjoyable and had everyone engaging over the waves and bonus’. With a few tweaks, these bonus pools could be trimmed up, some added around to others, and maybe a new one or two in there, those bonus’ could be more exciting and more fun. I think this game mode is something that deserves a permanent place in some way in the main game. Hordes have been a unique addition to add more variety to end game play. As a programmer and cyber security guy, my mind has a lot of fun playing with the algorithms and running numbers or patterns in my head so this one thing really triggers my dopamine through monk like gaming warrior mode.

It’s been a great release for me lately that I compare to the X-Mansion from Marvel Heroes which was done by Diablo creator David Brevik as a Marvel Themed diablo clone that was f2p but a great game in concept. For me, this season reminds me a lot of what that community was like at it’s peak. The trading community and player-base was very active and social and it feels like that same thing is building now with more of a community around the game.

There’s plenty of things to do now every day and the season does feel a bit like everything about the game was just improved a bit. To me, I’m glad there is more to be done with the tempering system and I’m looking forward to all the new changes next season. It feels like all the right things are being done and even if it does feel like it is big steps forwards and whatever doesn’t feel just quite right gets focused and reworked and re balanced. The game itself feels like there is more potential and Blizzard wants to make every bit of that potential quality game play experience for the players.

With some of the new additions with Diablo IV 2.0 officially with the expansion, it feels like the game will be ready to launch with that feeling behind it. The PTR was on point for making D4 so much more in sync with the overall franchise with Runes and the rework of the glyphs and leveling as well. D4 has come a long way and really looking forward to Season 6 in a just over 2 weeks! Thanks for everything devs!

Diablo IV: Season 5 Final Season Rating - 9.7/10

not to be overly critic, but this whole text is just saying u liked it, please continue. And the intro text at the beginning about urself made me think, with this overly bloated introduction, there better be some cool read afterwards. But u completely disappointed me. It feels completely shallow.

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  • Writing poop posts for fun and to express thoughts, inspired by Asmongold’s big d energy style.

  • Using a comedic tone similar to the show “Review” to engage readers.

  • Hopes to build a network and share insights from past experiences in gaming communities.

  • Recognizes Blizzard and D4 developers for actively listening to player feedback.

  • Season theme of “Hordes” is enjoyable and encourages player engagement; suggests minor tweaks for bonuses.

  • Compares current season to the active community of Marvel Heroes, emphasizing social interactions.

  • Positive about daily activities and overall game improvements, especially with the tempering system.

  • Anticipates new changes and feels Blizzard is focused on enhancing gameplay quality.

  • Excited about VoH expansion and the progress made with the PTR.

  • Overall rating for Diablo IV: Season 5 is 9.7/10.

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