Season 4 was Great

Thanks Blizzard for showing love and putting effort into the game. The results are better than most expected. Thanks to the new Blizzard boss for giving the team the resources it needs to keep making Diablo better. I got all classes to 100. Collected every Mythical uber uniques item. Even found a grandfather sword in the pit. I did zero trading and would love some kind of ssf mode like circle of fortune in LE but its cool trading is an option.

PTR starts tomorrow. Ill be all over that. That pretty much ends the season for me. Looking forward to season 5 very much.


Season 1 = Bad
Season 2 = Tolerable
Season 3 = Insufferable
Season 4 = Good


Any particular class you plan to focus on for the PTR or just going to play them all as you can?

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Earth Druid looks especially interesting to me

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For me barbs first as always but with all the complaints about sorcs I think Iā€™m going to try that. I was already thinking about a sorc as my alt for season 5 again to try the new unique with the orbiting bolts thing.


Earth druid will be the new bar-bear-ian :slight_smile:

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Definetely rolling Sorc, because of all the whining about it :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s some wack opinions right there lol.


Played every seasons so far =)

Definetely got my money worth :slight_smile: , just pre-ordered VoH Too :smiley:


Frankly, I would rate this as the worse season so far. Any improvements (and there has been a bunch) has been more than offset by the new itemization.


Season 1 had a good theme. Barber was a lot of fun. Just ran out of stuff to do.
Season 2 was fun. Vampire theme was nice. Just ran out of stuff to do.
Season 3 was okay. Vaults took a while to get used to but eventually I participated.
Season 4 is what the game should have launched as :smiley:


Give me your sane opinions

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DeeaBEARtus ftw!

20 chars

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I had a lot of fun this season. Iā€™m even still playing it, although I have slowed way down. Only thing left for me is getting an Uber which I have yet to do in any season. Over 70 tormented kills now. Iā€™m guessing I probably wonā€™t get one yet again.

I have some complaints and wishes for the future but the game is still fun. Iā€™ll probably check out the ptr and pray that chain lightning Sorc is good and they donā€™t get nerfed before live. Itā€™s my favorite class and spec in beta but they killed it. Thanks streamers for that. I hope itā€™s finally good.


Agreed. Weā€™d still have complaints, but itā€™d be more of a complete game. It still needs work though. Missing a decent amount of basics. Curious to see what will be included in the expansion, aside from what theyā€™ve already told us of course.


For me:

Season 0: Terrible.

Season 1: Laughably bad.

Season 2: Not what I was looking for, but I had a fun time with it!

Season 3: Completely and utterly tone deaf. I canā€™t believe any of that made it into production.

Season 4: Massive step in the right direction. I have my issues with how close itā€™s getting to D3, but this should have been the launch state of the game. Plenty to like, plenty of room to grow.


I assume Season 0, you mean eternal realm?

Season 1 = Meh, you can barely call it a Season
Season 2 = D4Bad
Season 3 = Better
Season 4 = Bad but not as bad as S2

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Ill be there too! But i agree with ya, this season is so much more fun (almost as fun as a ball of lighting sorc in s2 fun) but i have to say that has to be the fun playing any class in any diablo gameā€¦ balls of lighting to inifinity s2 wins sorc of the century

1 - completely agree
2- what are you smoking?!?! that was the best season (balls of lighting sorc - oh my goodness!!)
3- worse season ever (i played less then a week to get everything done and i announced my rage depature)
4 - pretty fun - actually still playing actively even after getting the ā€˜hidden titleā€™ for doing ā€œeverythingā€*

*i have no done over a pit 101 yet (I realisticly dont think i can get to 150 and I know theres an achievement for that) :frowning:


S4 was the first season I bothered leveling up multiple characters to 100. Why is S4 bad for you?