Season 4 still 3 weeks away, here's a haiku, lets talk about what changes we would like, that aren't in the patch

Three weeks yet to wait,
Wolves of season four call—
Patience thins, hearts ache.

Lets see what you come up with to pass the time.

Also, what changes are on the top of your list, that are not in the patch?


Typically posts like these get removed for being in the wrong forum. At least most of Urza’s were gone, just be careful is all I’m saying.

I figure there is a non zero but very small chance anyone will add to it. In all likelihood,a poster like you will drop in and the conversation will drift to something relevant.

I switched things up in any event. So thanks for the heads up.

*** seems I was wrong ***

drowned in critique
developers struggle —
young leaves are sprouting

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PTR went well
May 14th is far away
Anxious players wait



I had to look it up, too, but it seems to be more about the imagery anyway.

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My number one want is an armory. Though if i’m being honest, I usually switch gears and end up salvaging the gear i’m saving for other builds before I complete whatever build i’m working on.

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Loadouts would be cool. Other than that, I really want an SSF or solo-account-found mode and balanced solo/party summoning materials.

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Hota Hammer Boom Dead
Sad Barbarian
Will Have to Charge Instead

You’re not breaking news
We are all in the same boat
Make dust devils clear

Aren’t you missing a syllable? 5/7/5?
Or am I just so old I forgot the rules :laughing:

The seventh is the cutting “word”, which English doesn’t have. In its’ place there’s a dash or pause. The purpose is to divide the haiku into two parts.

Btw. haiku does not need to rhyme and usually has some form of seasonal reference.

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A haiku about the fleeting nature of things, like an opinion.

Dont tjiep bout rules,
Jump branch to branch free a bird,
Leafs rustling. Pats! …maaaaaauuuw.

On topic: integration of systems, depth, but simpler.

Ah, so the rules seem
More complicated than -
We learned in third grade


The whiners still wail
About real play they care not
Only the zooming

At this point don’t care
Plenty of time left to spare -
Don’t reduce to multiplayer

P.S. ?, save the Rare :slight_smile:


The Zoomers care not
For the games that they ruin
Only slot machine


Systems a plenty.
Sigh. Books we need. Why so hard?
Lets integrate.

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Smith, rares I have.
Smith replies: only for scrap.
Poor man, back again.

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darkness of a tomb
slowly door creaking
a hero approaches

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