Season 4 Honest Review

The reason why I feel this way is there shouldn’t have been a make it or break it season before an expansion. That alone makes me not want to get the expansion even more because it could be a replicated process as the base game. They could have hyped the changes with the expansion itself. Considering how mundane I feel this season is, myself and including others that might feel the same way are even more so discouraged to buy. I’m going to wait for reviews on vessel of hatred which I would have never done previously for this IP. Unfortunately for this games bottom line, if the reviews match what diablo 4 started out with… I won’t be getting it. It’s not about the money, its about my vote the money represents.

Additionally, I feel like an investor for a product that’s promised to be delivered but never hits the benchmark, yet they were able to keep brining me back for additional purchases with the promise of glory.

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Well having played ARPGs the last 20+ years, i really hate to differ - this game does not feel like any ARPG i have ever played, atleast not in terms of the fantasy / role playing experience which most other ARPGs have… Maybe the campaign does have abit of nostalgia towards D2 that gave abit of fantasy, and it was pretty neat to play through, but nothing after that delivers on any other than ACTION. There isn’t a single piece of class fantasy, or role playing over this game. The game honestly reminds me more of a chinese mobile MMO than an ARPG.


i agree with the game part but not genre.

if you hate d4 you might very well love poe or last epoch. very different approach.

d4’s take on the genre is questionable. at least it’s trying to make steps in the right direction, i guess.


Nah, they needed to try and rework that garbage. I played through once, and tried to do it again in the first season, but couldn’t. I wasn’t alone. If this was your first arpg experience, I sort of get it, and I also get how that person wouldn’t understand why the rest of us consider the original systems to be terrible.

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Tbf, I love the story. That’s like 30% the reason you get the game though. I’m in the same boat… I loved the first play through, but couldn’t force myself to do it again.

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I didn’t love it, but I had a good time overall. I tried playing the first season, made it to like level 30 with the same class. That was after trying a couple of different classes to level 20 and 30 or so. Just wasn’t feeling it anymore. The experience isn’t that much different.

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Idk if you ever played V Rising, but as I played that game… I seriously thought to myself that this could have been a great diablo experience the way its set up. I thought from release that the approach was wrong. Not the esthetics or atmosphere but the angle most importantly. I know they tried to slow the pace of the game down, but because players complained they tended to fall back on a safer baseline which was tada, D3. D3 was a huge mess in the beginning too and I still wouldn’t officially call it a diablo title. I’m not saying it didn’t improve and wasn’t a great game in the end because it was about 10 seasons in. Diablo 4 seems to be following that same path.

I think loot games in general need an overhaul and this is the reason. Loot games were once exciting and was a dopamine rush before main stream Inet provided day 1 guides to the best builds and items. The problem is, in most cases, fans know the game inside and out before they even get their hands on it. Because of this, the gaming industry needs to hit from a different angle. From the power of AI, I would recommend introducing SUPER dynamic item art and attributes meaning that there isn’t that perfect piece, no one would ever have the same item stats within the same seasonal time period at the very least and players can also think, if I grind a bit more, I might get that item no one has seen yet that’s super cool or super powerful and does something crazy. They need a new hook really.

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This might be cynical, but the loot reborn doesn’t mean anything for me. I did not dislike the old system. The new system is… better, but it is not new content. Nothing to be excited about for me.

The new hell tides are great, but I was hoping we get a new thing. I am tired of the color red. Seriously, we need a change in scenery.

I am not disappointed, but I don’t think there is enough content to keep me interested. I am just hoping that next season will be prelude to expansion and will get the expansion at the end of the year.


I don’t disagree with that. I feel in the expansion they need to focus on more of the RPG elements and integrating systems into the context of Diablo and its story.

They have done what was needed to fix what was a major blight on the game RE itemisation but it’s cost them time on other fronts.

We certainly haven’t hit Diablo 3 levels yet but if levelling becomes any faster and damage goes higher……and god forbid we get set bonuses, we will get pretty close at that point.

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I actually enjoyed D4 quite a bit on release. I didn’t like everything about it but the campaign was really fun. I enjoy some of the changes in this season but they have absolutely destroyed the leveling experience for me. So yea, I’ll probably do with D4 what I did with D3 and skip buying the expansion and suggest to the few people I know in real life who played to avoid.

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Love it so far. Started Necro, going Rogue. First battle pass I’ve bought since season 1. Enjoy the new Helltide, the Iron Wolves, and love the Pit coming into D4. I’m still looking for a more robust skill tree, but tempering has given some options.

It took me few sec to read this to know your opinion is irrelevant :smiley:


at least your username checkouts, time to return to hell.

Sanctuary is too dangerous for you.

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My view also.

We have stepped forward but its a journey and the expansion does still have some heavy lifting to do IMO.

the game wouldnt make it till expansion if it was the same freaking trash again, for the 5th freaking time…

Diablo 4 will always suck.

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As has been said before, I don’t agree (personally) with your talking points but you presented them with actual thought so more power to you.

Your very last little snippet was a bit trite but it’s hard not to slam a door on the way out when your feelings are happening and you’re over it.

You seem to be running out of letters.

Now that i’ve had another play session in…

Seems what happened was they spent all the dev time making it to exactly what streamers wanted to precise detail. They didn’t get a chance to do anything else, so the season theme became “do endgame”.

But the last people standing are the streamers and their minions ticking off checklists… for everyone else, there was no change really apart from removal of speed bumps.

At my core, im not past if you don’t need gear for the entire game, double that of what i’m ever going to end up playing, why bother revamping it. Its all lost to me. Will let you know if i ever reach 100.

Hard disagree. If you played more than 1 character with the limited stash space juggling gear, collected uniques, and backups for all your aspects was a bit of a joke. New Codex feels so much better.

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