Season 4 Console Feedback

Season 4 Feedback

PS5 - Filthy casual - bought the game at launch - didn’t log in for season 3 - played season 0 - 1 - 2 - and very late to 4
Have a season four LVL 100 Druid and if I log back in a Barbarian at LVL 97 as of July 8, 2024.

Not to meme and I appreciate the hard work the team put in, but I very much agree with Season of Loot Reborn more aptly Season of the Bricked item.

Bricking an item while leveling when items are being turned over had no real effect on me. Bricking the greater affix to double greater affix items with stats, which quite literally make the item garbage is not a play loop I enjoy.

I know you have already talked about adding more chances per greater affix, not enough for me.

I will definitely at least play the expansion as I have paid for it already but if the only add to loot is more chances with no other agency for the player, thank you for the good times.

At a minimum the ability to lock in a stat and try to upgrade it.

One of the greatest hits of Season 4 is the Codex and the ability to upgrade or re-roll affixes to change your build, tempering would be well served with a similar mechanic. Being able to reset temper does not change your items journey or stop the look for the perfect item with perfect rolls it gives player agency and ability change experiment and try different tempers.

Affix weighting needs to be adjusted, played 0 - 97 and I have not got a single pair of gloves with whirlwind skill upgrade anecdotal, but real. Cooldown reduction, super powerful and super important, I held a World Tier Three helmet to LVL 97 because it had a bad cooldown roll, and I could not find an Ancestral head gear with CDR and well a Leap Barb build does not work without it even when you temper brawling reduction on all your jewelry and have a Giant strides ring.

Which brings me to;

God help you if your chosen skill is a mobility skill on console. quite honestly all mobility skills need a rework for console controls and in general function better.

Charge, trample, and leap all feel like junk on controller. I have posted on this previously.

The player needs to control the character and quite honestly if I can line a straight shot across the map and trample or charge for seven to ten seconds across open areas you should let us, it feels epic.

Nothing feels better than a perfect leap in a world boss encounter where you leap across a screen and a half to land on the boss.

Nothing feels worse than leaping completely over two packs of enemies to land on the only one inch by one inch square on the map with no enemies when enemies are required to reset your skills.

Trample with landslide is so cool looking and sounding and yet on controller it will charge 1 inch on the screen and stop, trample and enemy behind you when you are pushing the controller away for 1 inch and stop.

I want to be able to charge back and forth across rooms, caves, tunnels, or open world leaving wakes of landslides listening to awesome audio of waves of racks crashing together but I cannot because the controls translate poorly to controller.

Allow mobility skills to start on button press and end on button release. Hell, a unique or codex power for trample that allowed you hold the button and turn around throw a boulder and trample back the way you came would be epic.

Do the same for charge.

Give console a target lock so you can target your leap or not target it for an escape at least then I feel like I have control and it is not gamble if it will even hit anything. More often than not I default to running into pack making sure analog stick is in neutral and then leaping.

Not to mention if you can invest enough to get your leap cool down to zero with Giant Strides the wonderful animation bug of being stuck in place and not preforming a function feels pretty awful at the moment.

Much more but I’m tired and to steal the now immortal word of The Critical Drinker…Go away now


Players have been complaining about tempering since the beginning of the season. Blizzard flat out doesn’t care and the more chances per GA is just the dev team “throwing us a bone”.

Just getting started on season 5, playing on a ps5. So from what i understand, skills like Trample is not yet fixed? U cant charge the full distanse, unless u stopp, spend time scrolling trough 20 mobs until u can target lock the noe far away?
I was planting on playing trample quake build, but i asume thats no good with controller?

Expansion is ready and out for pre order, but basic stuff like this is not sorted out…?

Can’t comment on trample mate. Never used it!