Season 2 mount rewards claimed but not in stable

It’s the same for me. I tried everything but I didn’t get it.

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I could not access the mount armor as well. It says I claimed the rewards but the armor doesn’t show up anywhere.

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Same for me! Says I claimed the rewards but it’s nowhere. I’m super sad, I love collecting the mounts and mount armor. :frowning:

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Same issue, posting to bring attention. They look cool, it’d be a shame if the artist’s work was wasted when we can’t use it when the season ends.

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Same here, no mount :frowning:

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i did not recieve mount either

Apparently someone made a ticket and blizz basically said it was server side bad luck a dev will have to sort it out

Same for me chapter 3 mount armor and chapter 4 mount missing in stable

I wish I could make a blizz ticket. Every single menu sends me here so I won’t annoy overlords with my peasant problems.

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There’s a big thread for this here - Missing Chapter 3 reward Strips and Points Mount Armor

I am even DM-ing Diablo on Twitter about this armour, as I am desperate for it. LOL

Any luck there? Did they reply anything at all?

As far as I know, there’s been no official acknowledgement of the Seasonal Journey Rewards not being granted at all. Not sure who in particular it’s not working for - If it’s only PC, if it’s also people on Steam, or if it’s totally random who it’s happening to.

My husband and I both play on PCs and neither of us has the mount armor even though it shows as claimed.

Same here… please fix this. I Didnt get the mount from season journey, and after That like Barding or thropy… And not only This, i didnt get my FREE PORTAL also … pleasee doh… :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: [quote=“Shoju-1582, post:1, topic:131798, full:true”]
So far I have completed Slayer season 2. I have claimed all the rewards, but have not gotten the mount armor from chapter 3 or the mount from slayer. Will there be a fix coming to this soon?

same here au no skin oder horse

Well, same here. hope they fix it on the next maintenance.

Which will be in a month?

I started having issues when the game was running (with no issues and other players roaming) but stated “Reconnecting to Diablo IV” in the upper left. It would seem any Battle Pass rewards I’ve claimed since that time are not available in the game at all for me.

same, no mount armor for chap 3 season2

Same issue - So I’m missing the Salmagundi mount, the Stripes and Points Mount Armour, and I have clearly completed “Potent Vows” and “In Agreement” about 1000 times over but still won’t show as complete. GG.