Season 2 battle pass mounts are gone

The mounts from the season 2 (season of blood) battle pass vanished from the list. I have completed all battle passes. As far as I can tell everything else from season 2 is still there.


I have the same problem but with my horse from Vitreous Scourge pack bought in February. I can’t see it in the horse tab anymore. I am probably missing others but I don’t know since that horse is the only one I use.

Same problem with the Polaris mount from the Among the Stars pack

Same issue here. Missing season 2 mounts.

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+1 to this issue, I’m missing all of my season 2 mounts.

Same issue here. Missing mounts from season 2…maybe others

Same. Missing items I’ve paid for. Fix this!

Same but I’m on Xbox series X I thought I was going crazy.

That and I’m missing the vitreous scourge mount. I paid 70 euros for it…

I’m missing a rare mount from an event. I don’t know the name of it, but it was black with a white painted face. I think it was for the blood harvest/blood drive.

Me too, unbelievable!

My vitreous scourge is also missing