S7 mythic nerfed?

I’ve done hundreds of bosses in s7 and not one mythic drop. It has been nerfed.

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Your mileage may vary, but as far as I know there’s been no nerf, still a flat percentage to mythic uniques (5%)
but if anything they drop more often this season, at least for me.


S6 they did reduce the drop rates from removing tormented versions of bosses. It continued this season. I only got about 10 this season in the 50 hours I played.

You just stumbled on a bad luck streak.

May the rng gods be in your favor.

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I just rando crafted mine with the spark from the season quest and the spark from the Shrine event thing, I have not had one drop this season.

I got TM. Which is useful because I had no idea how I was going to swap out my resist gems in my jewelery. Yen’s blessing with the GA on the resist was the other option but that is really a waste in my build plus I lose an aspect I like. TM just replaces Mad Wolf’s Glee.

Hey Mike, I had the best luck getting mythics by running the Undercity on T4. There is a rare tribute that gives you a better chance. I would guess than in 25-33 percent of cases when I finished the undercity in time at tier 4, using that tribute, I got a purple item. I have found maybe 15-20 of those tributes to try to use, and they are rare. Some people have better luck.
I’d say give that a try, and if you have two sparks (but not enough runes) you can still craft one random mythic.

i’d even say they buffed the hell out of it :sweat_smile:

got lucky on varshan and gregoir… both dropped me 2 or 3 mythics (first was a fluke on my second kill in T1 on my first character. the others where because i was doing the whisper and got realy lucky) then crafted one at the blacksmith and when trying to find runes for starless sky i though screw it and went to the undercity… second run 3GA starless sky :joy:

though torment level doesn’t realy have much affect, they do drop more items per kill iirc (to lazy to check this, sorry)

imho, the current drop rate is perfect (rare enough to be excited and wanting to go after them but not too common that the game is made easier then it already is)

if you’re not sure you’ll make it through the undercity in time, use the legendary tribute and keep an eye on your time. (the mythic one is harsh if you don’t know how to or fail to get more time. so best to try with the legendary one first)

at the end of the road on your first toon you should probably be able to craft 2 random ones at the blacksmith, or if you found the correct runes (this is pure luck as only in the undercity you can actualy target farm runes and those are again random rarity)

hope this will get you the mythic you want :wink: (just keep in mind it’s all RNG… you could get lucky and find a few or kill 1000 bosses and not even get a decent unique out of it)

Seems about the same as s6 for me. I’ve had about 25, maybe 30 drop.

Between me and my wife, we’ve had maybe 10 mythics drop. Only 2 from Duriel, rest were all from bosses like Varshan, Gregiore and such. Neither if us have had the runes drop needed to crat either.

To explain how wacky RNG is. In one night, less than 30 minutes killing Varshan and Gregiore, shroud chest, perdition helm and skyless ring dropped for me. It was nuts, meanwhile aside from that one night my wife and I have been killing every boss left and right and very rarely see a mythic drop. When they’ve dropped for her it’s been ones that don’t benefit her build unfortunately. For me besides that one lucky night, every other mythic that dropped were ones my builds can’t use. The RNG this season definitely seems wonky to me.

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You just have bad luck. Just cause you haven’t received your participation trophy yet doesn’t mean there has been a nerf.

Doesn’t seem to be any different to me based on s7 drops and relatively limited play during s7 compared to prior seasons.

Wouldn’t worry me if they did drop frequency a bit, they seemed to drop with pretty regular frequency last season.

Don’t think they will drop it though as I’m more on the side of the games way easy enough already and the nerf the games “difficulty” crowd are ever present pulling the game in the other direction.

Kurast Undercity drops mythics on t2 but you need tribute of ascendance they drop from whisper caches incase you got tired of running lair bosses all over

So far this season I’ve found 7 mythics. In all seasons combined, I’ve found ONE 4 GA, 2-3 3 GA items, and useful 2 GA items are very rare.

So IME, a useful multi-GA item is rarer than mythics. I think that’s borked.

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I had 1283 mythics by the time I got my first Igni. But then again, I wound up buying one from the in-game trade channel for 20 billion each. But, hey, that 20b only took me 2 hours to farm. /s

This season I found 2 mythics - one from varshan and one from undercity mythic tribute. For the first time ever. I literally never found one before (but I also never really farmed duriel either)

I’ve never gotten as many Mythics as I’ve had this season. Problem is that 70% of them is Doombringers and Melted.

Haven’t had any really issues getting them. I Most certainly have enough to craft one…I just don’t know which one I want.

Sorry to hear about your luck.

I feel your pain OP.

While I did get some in week 1, I took a break outside of just doing a Boss for a whisper and saved up materials.

Having saved up said materials and running them in spurts over 2 weeks:
400+ minor Bosses(tbh closer to 500) farming Class Uniques - zero
50+ each Duriel and Andy - zero
9 Resolute Tribs of Ascendance - zero
1 United Ascendance - zero
Worse - Not one Greater Affix on a Class specific Unique I’m seeking, handful of 2GA and not even a random 3GA trash unique to tease me.

I’ve now saved up materials again.
We’ll see how bad RNG is this cycle of Boss spam.

Though you probably should run with me lol.
People I’m with tend to score huge with standard Uniques and get a decent haul of Mythics.
Personally unlucky but a golden horseshoe for others.
Such is RNG

Wishing you the best of luck!

0 mythics found in past 6 seasons.
Season 7, found 4 so far.
3(shako, GF, Starless) from Beast Ice
1 Shako from Duriel

yesterday did 250 varshan mats and thats about 60 runs.

no mythic drop…

so i plotted a graph of 60 attempts of simple RNG with imaginary varshan has 0.5% mythic drop rate. and i am getting most of the time can’t get a drop.

import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Parameters
hit_rate = 0.005  # 0.5%
attempts = 60

# Generate hit data using basic RNG
hit_positions = [i + 1 for i in range(attempts) if random.random() < hit_rate]

# Plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.scatter(hit_positions, [1] * len(hit_positions), color='blue', label="Hits", marker='o')

# Labels and title
plt.ylabel("Hit (1 = Success)")
plt.title("Hit Occurrences Over 60 Attempts (0.5% Probability)")
plt.yticks([])  # Remove y-axis ticks since it's binary (hit or no hit)
plt.grid(axis='x', linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)

# Show the plot

I did a total of around 29’ish Varshan runs, Tyraels Might and Melted heart dropped for me. :man_shrugging:

RNG is RNG, no matter how you look at it.

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