S6 PTR - Review from a Casual

I leveled/played with a new Druid on Wed.
Friday night I was able to play again and did a Barb right to level 60.

Difficulty Progression:

  • I started on Hard, and suddenly—bam—Expert unlocked right away! So naturally, I went all in with my level 1 druid. (Is Expert supposed to unlock right away?)

  • Hopped into a Helltide in Kehjistan, ported to Gea Kul, rode north like I was on a druid road trip, and… game crashed as soon as I leaped off the horse to kill enemies. Log back in—now level 4. (Thanks, game.)

  • Played Expert until level 7, but it was rough. I’m a face-tanking monster, not much for kiting. After burning through all my potions multiple times, I switched back to Hard. Honestly, I have no complaints here. If I can face-tank for 3 levels without dying, it’s either perfectly balanced or way too easy.

  • Penitent being locked at level 50? Just let us choose it, fail spectacularly, and crawl back to Expert. Don’t hold us hostage.

  • As far as leveling goes, I didn’t have a whole lot of time to level my druid. It still felt pretty sluggish to me but it could just be my lack of skill.

Pit Levels and Glyphs – Just a breakdown of what I noticed

Pit Level: 47 (T2)

  • Glyph: Level 37 — 100% upgrade to 38.
  • Glyph: Level 38 — 90% chance.
  • At some point, it failed to upgrade, only getting 3 levels instead of 4.
  • By level 40, it’s a 70% chance. It’s like rolling dice, and suddenly the dice are loaded.

Pit Level: 50 (T3)

  • Enemies are beefy. Totally fine.
  • Boss fight: 2 minutes—also fine.
  • Glyph: Level 40 → 41 — 100%.
  • Glyph: Level 41 → 42 — 90%.
  • By Level 44, we’re down to 70%.

Pit Level: 53 (T3)

  • Glyph: Level 44 → 45 — 90%.
  • Glyph Level 45–46: No percentage, but 15,000 Amethyst Fragments? – I am not sure what the gem drops will be like S6, but this could feel bad.
  • Glyph: Level 46 → 47 — 70%.
  • Glyph: Level 47 → 48 — 70%.
  • Glyph: Level 48 → 49 — 70%.
  • So, you can currently expect to get all your Glyphs to Legendary if you can complete a Pit Level: 53

The Pit Experience:

Could we roll a third level (portal) into the Pit? Running out of enemies on level 2 feels like showing up to an empty party. Also, can we unlock tiers faster? Grinding 3 levels at a time is a mood killer. Let us blast through T1 until it gets real at T2, then slow us down for the real challenge.

When I got to T1 my Barb was blasting – It would be cool if T1 and T2 you would unlock more than 3 Pit Levels at a time. I could see you dropping this back down to 3 for T3/T4 maybe even T2.

I liked the removal of the 1-shot mechanics. Pit Level 53 while the boss took me a bit to complete (which was fair because the enemies in the Pit were also hard to kill) I didn’t receive any abnormal damage from anything the boss did.

Glyph Leveling:

Wouldn’t it be nice if the game remembered the last glyph you leveled? Have it show up at the top for quick access—just a quality-of-life improvement for the lazy glyph masters among us.

  • I had multiple level 21 glyphs and I started leveling Twister and I had to scroll to the bottom and click on it until it was higher than level 21.
  • I could understand if it only remembered while you were in the game so if you left the current game and came back you would have to find the glyph again.


Mixed feelings here. On one hand, the gem changes in S4 and S5 give off that Diablo 2 vibe where gems felt rare and valuable. On the other hand, the gem fragment trade-in system? I like the idea, but I wouldn’t be sad if it disappeared.

  • S5 there was a point in the game where my Barb had a couple of Mythic items, but still maybe only 1 of the best gems in a piece of gear.
  • It was actually pretty fun and something to look forward to after a few Infernal Horde runs to see if I could craft a Royal Gem and socket it.


After a Nightmare Dungeon clear, the dungeon affix is still active. Can we get a safe zone to catch our breath after the boss fight? I just want a quick AFK without the dungeon mechanics possibly killing me. Possibly just add the giant bubble zone as well on the boss kill. – Other than that, I enjoyed NMD.

Items, Tempering and Masterworking:

I might have missed some information from the campfires, but this seems very confusing this season.

  • Mythics you cannot Temper, but you can Masterwork to 12

  • Unique’s you cannot Temper, but you can Masterwork to 4

  • Legendaries only have 1 Temper and can only Masterwork to 4

I might have been doing something wrong. You added all these new tempers and made them easier to roll, but you can now only use 1 on a piece of gear that is Legendary or Ancestral?

Seems weird and very limited to me.


  • Tried BacXan (Travel 70 meters, next skill OP + CS) on my Druid and Barb. It felt good.
  • Then Vortex (KRY)—I had high hopes for whirlwind synergy, but it didn’t pull its weight. – By the time it triggered there was nothing to pull in lol.
  • Then Meteorites (TON) on my Barb left me feeling… lukewarm. I expected a meteor shower, not a drizzle.
  • Finally, (THUL) invoking frost nova on my whirlwind barb? That ended up being kind of fun.
  • Overall: The runes didn’t seem that cool to me – Most of the ways to gain the points to execute the glyph didn’t seem feasible – I always did the Travel 70 Meters and If you don’t take damage within 5 seconds you gain the points to execute the glyphs.

Enchanting and Objectives:

I’m a big fan of the purple icon auto-pinning new objectives to the map. It’s the small things, really.
And thank you for fixing enchanting costs—1 Coiling Ward vs. 15 for my gloves? No more daylight robbery.

  • S5, I had a super hard time rolling new affixes on my gear. I was running out of coiling wards left and right
  • The costs are much better from what I can tell in S6.

That is all I got and all I have time for this PTR.

Thank you for reading!

only items with a greater affix are now considered Ancestral.

and only ancestral items can have 2 tempers and/or 12 masterwork levels. Also Ancestral items go up to 800 itempower instead of 750 for regular items.

so basicly regular legendary and unique items are limited in their potential, and you must now chase the rare greater affix items to unlock their full potential.

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