S6 Experience Boost / Buff Items Interaction? ( Elixirs , Incense , et al. )

Just to be clear: with S6 now, is it correct for me to assume that if I were to buff myself SIMULTANEOUSLY with:

-an elixir
-an Opal (the seasonal item)
-type I incense
-t II inc.
-t III inc.

That ALL of these 5 buff effects on my character would stack up with each other and provide me with every single experience + boost all at once?

Or do certain rules apply? Like I know in the past, the experience boosts were much more restrictive depending on the patches/hotfixes that were deployed at any given time/season.

One of the reasons I am asking this question of you all is because I was recently watching a very well-regarded D4 YouTuber / streamer in a recent vid telling his viewers to make sure to run any activities with all 5 of these buffs at any given time to truly maximize total +exp gain , and I just wanted to double-check on here to be sure.


I would like to know this too.

Experience Bonus does not stack with other incenses.

It says it right there on the tooltip for the incense.

So basically, you should always run with at least one type of incense, but there is no additional benefit to XP gain by using more.

Also, don’t forget to run NM dungeons until you find an experience well. That’s another 15% XP bonus.