S4: Tree of Whisper Reward bug (Fixed)

Same goes here Whisper bug out. Unable to return reward. no more gold for upgrade or repair T_T

same here, ASIA WT3…

Same here, another EU zone

Yep me too, same issue and can not hand in tree of whispers, this game has been so fun and in true blizzard fashion it all gets ruined by some stupid overlooked terrible game design, pull ya fingers out blizzard devs, this game is more fun but still riddled with issues

same issue here cant complete it

Same here, bugged. Blizz…

I have the same issue

Same issue EU server - World Tier 3

Same issue. No more tree rewards. Rip buggy game may end up not playing anymore. Rip season 4. I give it a day or 2 than quiting

same bug for me. elp :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

And know i just lost all my chapter 4 season rewards to this buggy mess … Only way to get the specific rogue aspect and now that’s it GG season 4

SEA server, same bug

Maybe yes. I have 12/10

S4 was so fun until this bug hit right as the weekend started. My great love and I can’t claim tree rewards and she was starting to enjoy the game again. How many 30$ skin packs do I need to buy to get this fixed.

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Yep. got same thing. I actually changed world to T3 completed quests for whisper reward and got same unselectable “reward” window again. not gonna play till this gets fixed…

dont worry guys, this bug will be fix about 3 weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

Same issue, NZ here - OCE or SEA server

This is a real showstopper for progression…

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Same issue asia server.

I have the exact same issue

Yeah same issue here on AU servers: https://imgur.com/a/rDk9boB