[S4] Barb builds - HOTA

I care because it sets a bad precedent. What’s gonna stop them from doing the same thing to a different class, or worse yet, start doing this every time they don’t know how to fix something.

All I’m saying is there is a better way of nerfing an overperforming skill. Making it unusable is just not something I agree with, that goes for any skill in the game.

And I agreed there is many different ways to deal with this, and it was not my preferred approach either.

They have already done it to other classes. I gave you an explicit example above for Sorc.

are u for real? you complain against a nerf, while havent played it nor did u experience the nerfed version since no1 can.

I seriously need to ask, did u hurt ur brain in anyway?

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Sorry, I completely ignored it because I have no idea about sorcs (rogues and druids for that matter as well). I only played necros and barbs to 100. I don’t fully understand the example you’ve given. Not your fault obviously.

That being said, if they already did this in the past and people were not vocal about it then hey, it’s like exactly what I said above about setting a bad precedent. See how that works? This is why I’m all bent out of shape about this.

I don’t know why people didn’t make a bigger deal about it but now that decision affects everyone, just like I feared.

You know what, thank you. For some time now I was wondering if I’m stupid to come here and post but you helped me understand that yes, I am stupid for coming here.

I am not suited to deal with how people interact here.


so thats a yes then :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually dislike Red Ring Furor as you need to spin the WW to activate it and use shout to regenerate back the resources to max level. You also need to have a quickhand to use the buff in 5 seconds and make sure you don’t lose the 3 seconds Exploit vulnerability buff. A lot of buttons need to be pressed for the perfect one shoot HOTA execution.

It also save my time of the need to refarm Varshan 100 times every season.

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Seems like “Furious Hammer” is not a good combination with the “Ring of Red furor”.

If you push for HOTA with Ring of Red furor, then VIOLENT HAMMER is the way :o

You get used to it.

Dude, we all are! :laughing:

It’s weekend, always gets spicy at the weekends, just a heads up.

Barbs can wear Sorc’s Esu Heirloom come S4?

@Paladina, does that spiciness also get 35% buff with Mother’s Blessing?

It’s currently March 30, 2024.
I wasn’t aware you had early access to the PTR. Can you share screenshots of HOTA numbers you feel makes it “unplayable”?


Esu is Sorc-only, unless it’s been removed. I also don’t see how Esu yields automatic critical strike.

But for you unplayable doesn’t mean overperforming? Right.

This thing you said right here means outright that you are citing the inability to over perform as why it’s now unplayable.

But let’s be serious for a minute and not point fingers, HotA barbs were so grossly over performing that it’s kind of silly to be mad even if it’s nerfed into the ground. We’re talking months of absurd levels of dominance and before that was another barb build in first place. If barbs got nerfed as an entire class, we shouldn’t feel bad. They had their time in the sun, give other classes a shot.

The base damage of HOTA is still so much higher than any other skill besides DS that it will still most likely be the top skill alongside DS Twister.

The nerf to blood rage effectively made it impossible for WW to have a chance, even with twisters. In order for WW to make a comeback, it needs a base dmg buff, better uniques and gushing wounds needs to be reworked/fixed.

If it is not a PVP focused game, then putting balance at this holy position is only an excuse. This overkill nerf is just an attempt to make some jealousy people happy. It is Blizzard’s tradition to overnerf and overbuff something.

My error, barb cant use Esu.

The Base Damage for HoTA is not as high as Upheaval, Death Blow, Rend, or even Kick. It is the same Base Damage as Double Swing (which is getting tremendously buffed). Furious HoTA was the major source of damage scaling for the Skill.

With it no longer scaling off Fury and the Base Damage getting untouched, the Skill hits like a wet noodle.

I can understand them cutting the damage in half from 1% to .5% per Fury. I can understand them wanting to change it to something else. Changing it to provide you instead with Critical Strike Chance is very stupid. Red Ring guarantees HoTA to always Crit combined with WW swapping.

Furious HoTA should instead deal scaling damage based on the amount of enemies nearby up to a maximum amount. This greatly reduces its one-shot effectiveness especially in Boss encounters while making it great for Dungeon Clearing.

Great idea.

While reading this, I quickly did a 100 tier vault on Violent Hammer, some 60 mil average crits and 120 mil while berserker is up. Ofc this number gonna be MUCH lower next patch, but with tempering / masterworking it is not so bad.

I see max fury no longer essensial, paragon nodes can be changed. berserking damage no longer mandatory on every slot, freeing other dmg/utility affixes. Red ring no longer mandatory. Wait till PTR I think, these numbers are drafts. Its very difficult to force Blizzard to change their decisions. Back D3 era when they slapped a barb WW belt dmg from 200% to 100%, we manged to force them changing to 150% with ALOT of work.

I dont think the situation is that bad, but encourage a PTR topic center around this and everybody contributes to a REASONABLE unerf.

Their goal is not able to 1 shot uber bosses, especially tormented uber bosses.

DWB is still worth the investment since it is a multiplicative damage bucket. Blood Rage is still good, just not insane. Ire is still very much worth it. I don’t think there will be any movement away from DWB.

With that said, your HoTA with Violent HoTA is going to be reduced by a lot still. Overpower in general got nerfed hard, as did Earthstriker which I am sure you are using. If you are using Banished Lords, that is getting nerfed. Adding to that the massive DWB loss and I think your current damage with Violent HoTA is going to be 1/3 of what it is now so, 20 - 40 million.

Red Ring is still absolutely worth it. Getting Crits every single HoTA is just too good to pass up. That is an entire Affix you can take something else that with Tempering and Greater Affixes means more than before.

What is kind of funny is that it is almost better now to take the inverse path and build WW Primary with Violent HoTA as a Secondary. HoTA increases all damage by x30% when it OPs making WW hit much harder especially when you have Shouts and Twisters using Unconstrained instead of Unbridled. Red Ring gets replaced with Ring of Starless Skies. With Resource Cost Reduction now on Weapons, you do not need a Basic as your WW is generating Fury.

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This is what I am looking for.

Ring of Red Furor may get replaced by other ring if running Furious Hammer.
Still use Ring of Red Furor and go Violent Hammer