S3 situation report. It's worse than you think

im old… its a challenge for me to get out of bed some days, i just want a fun game. Ill take a fun factor boost over a challenge nowadays

Spotted the HotA barbarian main.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t play broken builds.

Seems like the only buffs classes get revolve around Barbs so how about this? Dots can now crit. This helps rend builds, gives fire sorcs much needed power, rogues can do more damage, poison builds become better and possible shadow necros will be viable.

Strong disagree.

Loot filter is pointless. They need to scrap the whole concept of REQUIRING players to even loot RARE items - they are and should be trash drops like D2 and D3 - the entire LOOT SYSTEM needs a COMPLETE AND TOTAL OVERHAUL - make legendaries and uniques the go to items with aspects/imprints being filler slots for 1-3 of your items

A loot filter would be great. Shadow necros do not benefit from crit, crit damage, or Overpower and would be welcome to get gear without those stats on it.

You can believe that if you want. Version 5 is nothing but a far off dream they are not going to abandon this one so soon.

I agree with this. We need the devs to see how screwed up balance is. Also might as well beta test it for them so they can fix it for the next season. It is already going to be a joke so might as well get something out of it.

The “meta” builds will revolve around the content creators because that’s the reality that Blizz have created for themselves.

They’re really not interested in the common man. They’d rather have a big time streamer tell them how to monetize better.

False. I’m avoiding vaults because I have pretty much BIS minus ubers, and the NM dungeons are WAY WAY WAY faster to run through than vaults, which are just awful. For getting your glyphs to 21, do not run vaults, run normal NM dungeons.

There are exceptions. Sorc with Oculus can skip through Vaults. Get to key>final room without killing almost anything.