Runeworker's Conduit Aspect - Aura Lightning Bolt Damage Bug

Was trying this aspect with a 2H Weapon, charged with lightning storm. With the Aura active stand close to the test dummys and was checking it’s damage. For my character it was showing 15.000 Damage in it’s tooltip but it was just hitting for below 30 Damage at all. Sometimes it critical hitted for ~70 Damage. So yeah, it seems like it is not working like it should. I was expecting more then 30-70 Damage.

Edit: I tried it again with a level 32 Druid, Lv 22 2H Mace with Runeworker’s Conduit Aspect - Tooltip saying it deals about 2.159 Damage per Lightning Bolt - in reality it hits for 3 Damage.

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