Runeshard season 5

i am level 95v and had got zero runeshard. i cant do any pit and its driving me crazy. i dont know what to do. im not playing without being about to upgrade gear. someone help


Same here. Just finished my 2nd nmd and only obols dropped. No runeshards…

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Thirded. I can’t find any runeshard at all. Level 100 and already cleared NMD 100.


I have runeshards from runs before the patch, and The Pit dropdown to select Tier 1 doesn’t work–it’s mangled.


Same bug here, the dongun quest seem to havent be fully validated.
As result i dont have the quest anymore, but no runeshard drop at all and i cant start the PIT.
I have make more than 10 lv 46+ NMD, and nothing drop.

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Happening on console as well :confused:

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Same thing happened to me. It was because I did not get far enough into the seasonal quests. Wasn’t able to loot compasses either until I finished another quest line.
Hope this helps

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Hey there,

i do face the same bug: no regular runeshard drops from nightmare dungeons (50+).

  • Completed the seeasonal quest line
  • Recveived the pit-quest
  • No runeshard from ND 50+
  • Finally received 3 runeshards by a tree of whisper.

After completing the pit-quest again no regular runeshard drops… masterworking not possible, without runeshard… please fix, soon :slight_smile:
this is an very important part of the game-mechanic and progression.

kind regards


No runeshard are coming out of NMD. Only a few from helltides chest and seasonal rewards

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No runeshards for me too, please fix the problem. Any1 who get a fix for this please reply tyvm!


Same thing here, ran many 65+ nm dungeons,decided to go for some pits just to realize ive got no stones (for portal). Honestly,so far, this season sux, with all the bugs,nerfs,crappy content. Im lvl 80 and i dont feel like playing anymore.


Same thing here, nothing is dropping Runeshard for me.
The only way I can upgrade my items through masterworking is running Infernal Hordes and picking ‘Spoils of Materials’ for 20 burning aether. That gets me like 12 Obducite each time.
Can’t upgrade more though.
Sadly there hasn’t been any official response to this afaik.

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Ditto. No runeshards from a dozen NMD 50+ runs. In fact, every few do not even have a chest at the end, meaning no Obols and runeshards. Done several whispersand and world bosses and no luck there either. Even with RNG mis-luck, the odds should favour at least a few by now?

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Also have this issue, been running many 50+ NM dungeons, no runeshards

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No runeshards from infernal breach and nm Dungeons…

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why is this not fixed yet?


There are several crazymaking aspects. Suddenly I have 339 runeshards–yesterday I had 138. Where did these come from?

No stygians either.

Regardless, I still can’t activate The Pit–the dropdown is empty. How are others activating The Pit?

Somehow I have obducite when I shouldn’t have any.

There are still several game-stopping problems. Were not fixed in today’s hotfix.

The only source of runeshards for me is from whispers and i have done 30+ nm dungeons… whispers is not enough to upgrade any of my equipment. This needs to be fixed asap!

PLEASE FIX THIS CRAP NOW! How can you publically release a new season with a 100% completely broken critical and required core game mechanic?! How is that even possible?! WTAF?! Rapidly losing my patience.

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This is crazy when are they planning to fix this?