Runeshard not dropping since the beginning of the season

I really don’t get blizzard… In a couple hours from the begging of the season, I started nightmare dungeons 46+ for runeshards and simply don’t drop any. I cleared dozens of T100 already, done all the missions, but nothing. This is something that affects you directly because you can’t progress, you get stucked cause all of your items can’t get masterworked. They lauched hotfix couple hours ago but didn’t gave any attention to this situation. It’s really a shame. Hard to have fun this way.


Same bro. just finished leveling from 55-100 in nm dungeons doing mostly tier 50-70. just hit 100 with 7 glyphs at 15 and 4 at 21 and I have 12 runeshards, hope you reimburse us blizzard

Infernal horde drops much more masterworking materials per minute than pits.

Even if the Infernal Hordes drop master working mats why are the rune shards not dropping. It seems like a waste of an endgame feature if no one can do it. Especial if time was spend balancing it.

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I’ve only received 6 Runeshards 1 time in the entire game this season. Now they are not dropped from any of the sources listed in the Runeshards receipt. I wrote a letter of support… When will they fix it? I can’t play properly.

Just ran a T48 NMD no runeshards, 100% i checked before the run. 77 before and after, got the chest and only gave obols.

This is a shame. Hope we get a fix soon.