Runes should have a map icon

How are runes sooooo important that you guys would nerf/adjust their drop rates, have entire economies build around them, and held off on their release until the expansion so they could be tuned juuuuust right… but not important enough to show on the map or be included (WITH PRIORITY!!!) in you “oops, you missed this” page in the stash? I mean… Shattered Prisms get a star on the map… but not runes? lol Really?

Agree, some kind of map icon would be nice.

Well, they’re making progress at least… I was running Hoarfrost for reputation and noticed that a legendary rune had dropped, and was starred on the map! Soooo… we’re getting there. I guess I hadn’t noticed this season because of how redonkulously rare legendary rune are. Now if they’d just do the rest of them…