Rogue needs more attack speed with basic marksman skills

they are too slow, building up 3 combo points should feel like a single fast attack, otherwise rogue gameplay is too slow, and its meant to feel fast… and this without sacrificing something else important, like an aspect etc…

Combo points has been the only way to play Rogue, I’m ready for a season where Inner Sight and Preparation are back on the menu more. All the other classes don’t run basics anymore so yes Rogue basics need to be good to keep combo points relevant.

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Rapid aspect is your answer , and yes you gotta sacrifice something …and thats 1 aspect lol

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rapid aspect is NOT enough, and i have to put it on my amulet so i can use skyhunter. i think it would be really cool to be able to imprint a unique item. somehow, idk, make it really hard to get, but it would be such a cool goal.

Wonder if any of the new crafting will help or if basic attack speed on old gear will still exist. Plus we don’t know what the new gems will be either at this point. Should have added some of these types of choices in the paragon board, it’s such a missed opportunity

In the example of the campfire it was possible to attack speed in weapons. Maybe in a few more places. Waiting for the anxious path notes

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They were already buffed this latest patch. You can use both rapid and accelerating, and then get helm and glove slot rolls along with condemnation.

needs to be the same as for puncture.

I think Andy uber needs a lot of love and rework to be uber grade. Attack speed could double and it still wouldn’t unseat shako.

But this was be the easiest avenue to let players have pure bonkers attack speed if they wanted to. Uber grade rarity but uber grade fun.

You can’t really craft this problem away (by placing it on your weapon) if you’re going to use Azurewrath + Condemnation. I guess we need to start tempering attack speed elsewhere. Really curious to see if it can be placed on rings now; I saw a screenshot from the campfire that had Crit Damage on gloves.

If you use Condemnation just do the 1 Basic, 1 Core, 1 Basic, 1 Core, etc. rotation.