Rogue Aspect of Pestilent Points

Please change Aspect of Pestilent points and make all basic skills benefit from It, this will help other basic skills like blade shift work with it and benefit from using momentum now


The new Coldclip Aspect is a good prototype. It might also be good to look at it being every attack instead of every third attack, with adjusted damage.


I’d love this actually.
Having Heartseeker always poison would be cool, but then again, there’s really no crit/dot interaction at all. I think poison imbue has an option for something crit-related, but it’s not good I don’t think.

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There are a couple mechanics for dealing increased poison damaged to enemies that are already poisoned, which means rapid spreading poison with heartseeker/forceful (with the pierce upgrade) might allow for a purely ranged alternative to poison trap to prep for poison imbued barrage/pen.

Poison is just kind of hard to make work right now due to the issue you note: poison attacks are only a fraction of your overall hits and only scale with dot damage, which means you’re having to choose between scaling poison damage (only) and having to scale damage on the other 60+ % of your attacks. As long as the damage meta requires stacking multipliers onto a single attack, leaving no room for spreading aspects/skills/paragon around, the only way to make it viable is something like Andy’s, which isn’t really a build you can build into as it’s only enabled once you have the uber unique.

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Cold Clip is awesome on Andariels Rogue it applys cold imbue as well as pestilent points at the same time … saves you from having to Temper " chance to freeze " on your gear too

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Isn’t it too powerful already?

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We’re not talking about Heartseeker build; at least OP isn’t.

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If you invest in poison imbuement yes you can make Pestilent points strong and crits will increase it is poison damage

Thank you guys for the comments and support, hope the devs keeps opening more builds and listening to the community

It’s not. All the damage came from Victimize, and was due to a bug that has been replaced with a different bug that now causes it to do almost no damage.

Speccing into the Cold Imbue tree will also get you 40% LH to make vuln as well as a 0.2x/0.4x multiplier.

Pestilent Points should be for all basics and poison on every hit for [35-50]%.

If Puncture is both Cold and Poison imbued, what element of damage does it do?

Does it count as both Cold and Poison and receive damage bonus from +Cold damage and +Poison damage at the same time?

It receives both benefits, correct

That honestly seems way too strong if aspect of elements Cold, Poison, and Shadow cycle buff applies twice.

This is all I’ve wanted for an Aspect since S1:
The Vile Apothecary (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): Your attacks have a 5-15% chance to apply all Imbuement effects at 40-50% of normal potency.

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