ROgue arrow storm cap at 5 barb tornadoes no cap can spawn 50

Come on rogue dev please stop balancing the fun out of this class


Dust Devils are legit better than Druid Tornadoes, Barb is just treated differently. Not sure why Arrow Storm needed a cap, let it cover the screen too.

Yeah, clearly the classes are designed by different people/teams. The Barb designers probably love playing barbs and want to go crazy with the class. While the rogue designers - like nah - everything needs to be precise and balanced, 5 arrow storms is just nice. We don’t want to flood the screen with arrows.

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especially when they dont block the screen like barb it would look like a rain of arrows

Sorry OP. What I think you fail to understand is that they are not ‘balancing the fun of this class’. They are holding the power level and nerfing the class so Barbs can have fun at Rogue’s expense. :rofl:

i.e. things must be imbalanced in order for the Barbs to have fun. The servers can only handle so much (ever notice the tornados dont spawn around lots of players)? To avoid system crahses, if Sorcs had BL and rogues had RoA everywhere…there would not be inifinite barb tornados possible to render.

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yeah playing rogue i feel we are so capped everywhere, all multipliers are like 4-12% and than lots of conditional additive, than even an arrow storm aspect is capped, the rogue dev really hates this class

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I think the Developer that made our class just used it to zip around the screen and balanced around that. We pretty much have 3 almost 4 teleports which is not even useful when great damage isn’t tied to it

Weeee!!! I’m fast!!! Wee!!!

Dust devils will get nerfed it’s a joke and you can’t even see the screen any longer.

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Saw Robs Barb.
Was 50k - 105k attack power, depending on self buff status.
Overcapped armor, like 17500.
And 50k life…

That is not right.

Yeah I got 100 of each class on eternal, Barb in town Attack Power and Health is like none other!

this is so true lol, like how the hell isnt shadow step doing the highest damage in the game just thinking at what it does, u teleport behind the target implying u gonna backstab him for huge dmg and what u do isntead is teleport behind him poke him over the shoulder and tell him hey im heree :smiley: