Rod Fergusson is incredibly out of touch

This is where I roll my eyes at you. :roll_eyes:

First, in game mechanics are all “fair”. You get what you get in game and that’s the way it is.

Second, there will always be outside factors that can influence an outcome. A competitor can literally drop dead. Does this mean we just allow runners to jump into cars to skirt half the race? Nope. We try to keep games/races as fair as possible. Why? Because otherwise the race has no meaning.

Your arguments are thin and weak.

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The whole race is designed for people that no-life D4, maybe even share the account on top of grouping.

Keep showing up with your pitchfork when things aren’t going your way, maybe one will work out for you.

I’ll keep looking for things that make me happy instead of trying to bend everything to fit me.

The funny thing is; the white knights are the 1st ones to jump ship when they realize they were wrong. lol. I remember back before D3 launched, there was a legion of them saying the AH would be good for the game, online only would be good for the game, the bland/lame legendaries would be good for the game, the impossible Inferno difficulty would be good for the game, etc, etc, and then 90% of these people just vanished when they actually saw the game was a (literally unplayable) mess.

I’ve been debating that. Like, run the campaign on SC, because you can easily breeze through that significantly faster on SC than HC. Sure, you’ll be 30-40 levels behind, but it will probably only cost you maybe 15-20 hours at most is my guess.

If you play really safe, you probably wont have to do the SC run first. Depends how confident are in your skills and current damage output.

You could also watch a streamer and if they get to a boss first, watch the mechanics of it ahead of time.

Good luck on your HC run!

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I thoroughly understand where you are coming from mate, but I have to ask what you do for a living? I gather you are a programmer or software developer.

This game is targeted at the general population so even at the basic level people can enjoy it, however, it also caters for hardcore players.

I have played the Diablo Franchise since it’s release and have seen all the good and the bad. I have played thousands of hours which I probably could have put to something else.

I would never give up work just for the launch of a game. It’s going to be the same game 1 day later or even 1 year later.

If you are not a software developer or programmer, my suggestion would be to become one and design a game just like you talked about

People here is just looking for excuses to get outraged, nothing one can take serious.

We are tired of streamers messing up our games for their own financial benefit.

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It would make much more sense to have this competition start with Season 1 instead of a paid early access…

Hopefully someone gets on twitter or reddit and tells him this, cause im 99% sure he doesnt visit or check on the official D4 forums lol.

Intresting when did streamers ever tell devs to mess up their game? I think a lot of people have to much fantasy when it comes to content creators.

actually it does most of the time.
look at die and retry game like binding of isaac : information is usually the best weapon by far.
not to that extent but it’s the same for any game.

If you care so much about a dumb contest, then buy early access.

Otherwise quit crying. Old news, another tired, repeated thread topic.

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Streamer opinions/suggestions carry a disproportionately high weight when compared to non streamers. Especially if the streamer has a large subscriber base. The faulty reasoning is everyone that subs to the streamer (or at least a majority) will feel the same way as the streamer. So if Wudijo (not saying him, just using him as an example) thinks something about the game is bad, or something is good, then the 250k people who sub to him must feel the same way is flawed thinking.

I’ve heared streamers with more combined veiwers then the holw maxroll team PvP in D4 is useless and shoud be removed and nothing happened. Again I think this theory is a tad bit flawed.
If I was the D4 dev team… would I listen to people like Raxx and Wudi because they both played Diablo for over 10 years on a higher level then a lot of other people and offer insight and came up with buillds that are grate still up to today? Well I would.

Then agian a lot of people have tinfoil hats on and think devs do what streamers want when something obvious happens a streamer said and everyone else agreed upon. People just need a reality check and to get a grip because I know no big streamer that ever said “Me and all my viewers want/demand…”.

He tries to be humorous and ironic with his answers sometimes. I honestly think he was just answering the question under the impression that the questioner thought progress might carry over.

And the people think streamers don’t have a massive leverage in characters have to be intentionally cherry picking and looking the other way that disprove their logic. Look in these forums alone… their is multiple threads roasting necromancers as the worst class ever and even now barbarian with ole “if ww gets nerfed, barbarians are bad”. You know what EACH OF THOSE threads have in common? Every opening statement has to do with what some streamer has to say as undisputed fact.

They project their mediocre theorycrafting and brainwash people to hate certain classes or put one specific build as god tier and make any other variation 6 feet under. THAT is the major issue when that gets parroted around and blizzard sees it.

THE GAME IS NOT OUT YET! Why are people taking these meh tiered players what they say as gospel? Having early access and/or being on a webcam =/= skill. Not sorry.

Did Rod Fergusson have an L take? Yes, definitely.

Is this thread a complete over reaction? Yes, definitely.

It does suck, however if you are taking time off you are still an average Joe. You will get beat out by a streamer that can literally play all day every day anyway, or someone that is account sharing/bitting ( it will happen Blizz will catch some but not all) I do get the frustration though. I took off for it as well, but because I was going to take some time off soon an this is as good a time as any. Just enjoy the ride.

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