Rip Rapid Fire Rogues

freaking devs… why you keep destroying peaceful and well balanced builds?


They should create a helm called “hood of the crying rogue” version for diablo 4, they have one for WOW :joy:

It’s always been evident that Blizzard prefers all the other classes to Rogue. Maybe consider asking someone other than some uber player/streamer what Rogue needs.

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Adam said on twitter they’re hoping for a fix today!

Has the design team ever played RF with a controller?Please have a live broadcast to demonstrate how to shoot half of the attack at other locations while neither I nor the boss is moving.

Still broken :rage: and it completely useless
Should I trash my build ?
Serious question because I HATE wasting my time

Build is still fun and capable of lower tier stuff but if u think ur doing Pit 60s anymore forgert about it

Ok pretty obvious they do not care about this issue

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breaking a build with thousands of ppl playing by fixing a bug no one even care and not considering reverting it and fix it in later patch is just ridiculous for a billion dollar company


Hotfix coming yay
Hope it works

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Another one? because today’s messed it up again.


I saw something from PEZ rader today saying patch to fix it.
Is it still broken ?

I really wish another company was doing Diablo at this point. Blizz can’t seem to get anything right. It’s incredibly disheartening to see.

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They fixed the erratic shooting, but the projectiles all land in the exact same place, so the AoE aspect of it is all but gone.

i mean the obvious would be to return it to the way it was, the fact that they didn’t means how it worked previously was either unintended or they are just unable to reproduce what made it work that way with whatever changes they made to it. it just doesn’t make sense, the same with dolmen stone. it’s like they were intentionally nerfed, only to realize, “oh, we broke the build entirely and it does no damage now.”

Is it viable to pkay

still does more damage than druid

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So now we have to follow Adam Fetcher on X (Twitter) to get updates more updated than Diablo 4 official page itself.

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It’s actually much worse than before, see my post:

It’s gone from being very annoying and impractical to completely and utterly useless with the last hotfix. You literally can’t hit things even by accident anymore.

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Surely can’t be this bad now what nmd can it achieve