Rings and amultes don't have flat armor after 1.1.0c

Hello Diablo team,

after the latest patch, the amultes and rings don’t have any flat armor stat.
the items pre patch retain the flat armor stat.

is this intended or is it a bug?


Can you show a screenshot of a ring with Armor from before the patch?

I show that Amulets can roll Armor, but not rings.


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Rings never have had armor. At least on the Sorc, Rogue, and Necro, as I haven’t got around to playing Barb or Druid yet. However, amulets still have the percentage armor roll on them currently

i’ve uploaded a pair of screen to imgur

https:// * i.imgur. * com/AMp7kCz * .png before

https:// * i.imgur. * com/N9TcDkI * .png after

sorry i don’t really know how i should share a link.
it doesn’t let me share urls.

Put ` marks around your link (same as ~ key). Like this: `https://i.imgur.com/AMp7kCz.png\`
This makes it easier for people to copy and paste your link into a browser.

Right, but neither of them have armor.

Do you have any proof that any ring has ever rolled armor before the patch?

flat armor in white. you can’t miss it

the first one has 247.

the second one none

I see. It is not a rollable stat that you are talking about.

See below

The armor is from the Malignant Heart, the second ring doesn’t have one socketed, that’s why.

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oh god. does the maligant give armor?

i missed it!

was it written anywhere?

Yes they added it last minute before season 1.

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thanks a lot!

case closed!