Ring of Mendeln

I’m completely convinced that the ring of mendeln just doesn’t exist for my necro. I’ve seen every other unique for the class drop at least 3-4 times but the ring is the one thing that eludes me still. Anybody else having any issues getting a certain unique to drop for them or is it just me and my bad RNG?

Level 85 still haven’t seen a tempest roar helm. Have ten bear Druid helms among other multiples.


Were all in this boat like all arpg’s there are really really rare items. My barb needs the grandfather 2 handed sword

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Yep level 81 sorc and fists of fate will not drop

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What does it matter? Minion builds even with the ring are vastly inferior to bone spear and bone spirit builds. Just keep leveling, you’re already playing a suboptimal build, the unique is a nice power boost, but insubstantial compared to playing a necro spec without minions.

i wanted the one handed scythe black river, i’m level 97 and so far i’ve had the 2-hander eight times, the ring of mendeln four times and the the howl gloves about a dozen times.

Without a trade system planning a build is nigh on imposible if it involves a unique.

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Yea except I don’t like following the “meta”. It’s boring and everyone does it. The builds I’m seeing involving minion builds work just as well as bone spear.


“Work just as well.”

Show me NMD 70+ and an Uber Lillith minion build kill. I’ll be waiting.

(49) Minions Necro vs Uber Lilith - Diablo IV - YouTube

There’s your uber lilith minion kill. You’re welcome, now p#ss off

and another one…

I’m 96, no minion ring yet

Did you even watch your own video. The bulk of the damage was not the minions, it was just a standard bone build exploiting a bugged rune prison that has an unintended 100% lucky hit chance to proc the ring.

None of the videos even use the golem.

There is clearly something else happening than just RNG. Some items/aspects are way more rare (rarer? english is not my main language) than others, or even than uniques. So i think thats proof enough there is sometinh else working here