Revive Na`Kruul from D1 and the fancy crypt

I would also like to go through the cathedral or the crypt of Na`Kruul again in an add-on and face this demon.

Na’Kruul was in the add-on to Diablo 1 and I thought the whole atmosphere in the crypt was first-class, atmospheric and successful. The boss at the end was also something and the little summoning ritual.

I would love to experience this location and the boss again in the current Diablo or even a D5.

Whenever I play D1, I always look forward to returning to the crypt. There was just something very mystical about it.

To the old hands among you who still know D1 and the crypt. How did you like it back then and would you like to see it again in a modern version of the game today? Maybe even experience Na’Kruul again? You could also create a nice story for it.


I would love for some different atmosphere and environments that are really well defined and this could be one. Like frozen cellars and fire dungeons and stuff like that. Really eye popping stuff.

Na-Krul is the end boss of the Crypt levels in Hellfire. He’s designed to be the rough equivalent of Diablo, but he’s found, alone, in a locked room, and can be released in a greatly weakened state. Furthermore, he fights alone, without any of the massed demons Diablo enjoys, and he lacks any spells, so can not harm enemies from a distance.

You mean Hellfire expac? Wasn’t that deemed non-existent by Blizzard? Because it was a fan made expac or something?


Yeah, but not exactly.

Vivendi (the company that owned Blizz at the time) saw the massive success of Diablo and told Blizz to go make more, but Blizz had already started working on D2 (yes, they started working on the sequel immediately after launching the original), so they didn’t want to do more D1.
So Vivendi gave the project to another studio they owned (Sierra).
Thus, Hellfire is official (in that it didn’t break any copyright or anything), but AFAIK its story isn’t “canon” to the Diablo lore.

Personally, I didn’t quite like Hellfire story-wise, so I also don’t like the characters from it by association, and wouldn’t like to see them return. But that’s just my opinion.

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It was made by Sierra, not by Blizzard. They got the contract on it since Blizzard North was working on Diablo 2.

There’s MANY differences in how Hellfire Expansion vs the Base Game played, chief of which being how damage was calculated. I didn’t enjoy Hellfire as much, and the new classes (Monk, Bard, Barbarian) didn’t really add much over the Warrior, Sorcerer and Rogue. Perhaps Bard and Barbarian could have been greater, as they were technically unfinished, but I doubt it given what was on display for Monk.

Largely, I think there’s two reasons why Hellfire wasn’t canon - 1) it wasn’t done by Blizzard North themselves, and 2) a rough draft of D2’s story was already created, and they didn’t wish to rewrite for new events in Hellfire.

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Na’kruul was not canon to the diablo franchise / story. It was made by a third party to Blizzard back in the day.

I would like to see old demons return (not the form in which we got the butcher) but Na’kruul ain’t it.

I found the crypt to be a highlight in Diablo 1 back then.

Admittedly, the nest wasn’t that exciting, but the crypt was a very good and atmospherically strong entry. Na’Kruul was actually too easy. But I still found him to be a nice boss.

But I really liked the atmosphere in the crypt. It was a nice zone under the cathedral cemetery.

That black and red flair, a bit like a vampire crypt, a bit like Hell’s Citadel.

I would love to experience it again.