Respec $$$ Limits Replayability

This just isn’t true at all. It costs almost nothing to change your skills around. One inventory full would let you experiment all day if you actually wanted to do that. If you want to rush to 100 first and then automatically have every possible level 100 character available to you with zero additional work, that isn’t “experimenting.”

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(post deleted by author)

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And you assume this because of what I said or is it your closed mind telling you that is what I must’ve done?

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No, it was just an argument against people who say the problem is the cost to respec all paragon at level 100. The “you” was generic.

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It costs virtually nothing to completely respec all paragons and skills, even at level 100.

This is an asinine complaint.

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$5/10 per additional tab or more do you think?

As a sorc what build diversity. You go ice shards thats pretty much it. Skills and gear need to be good for build diversity. People dont remember D2 before 1.10 where there were zero respecs and you needed to make a new character if you screwed up.

You can make like 1 mil gold an hour vendoring items. Switching stats on gear is actually ridiculous and should be toned down. Respec costs are fine

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The cost is insane overall and considering they designed Uber Lilith like some Dark Souls one shot boss people need to literally reroll different gear and respec/trial respec just to be able to handle her. It’s going to be even more expensive if you aren’t some pro gamer with a great competitive rig.

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At level 100 it costs like 12-13million gold for a full, complete respec. You can easily afford to do it several times a day if you’re picking up rares and selling them.


When I say respec I also mean rerolling gear with optimal stats. I have boots where it’s like 7 m per reroll of stat because it keeps giving me a junk stat. Amulet is also in same situation. It’s just unfun/expensive casino/time sink type thing going on with the gear reroll.

Re-speccing for any game has always required having gear appropriate for your new build. So get a different set of gear for your new build instead of spending hundreds of millions of gold rerolling your current gear.


the typical sale price of an ancestral peice of gear at level 100 is ~20k gold. There are 33 inventory slots. Thats 660k gold fora full inventory dump.

at 12 million for a full respec itll take on average 18 runs not including the gold mobs drops. Knock it down to maybe 12 runs then.

Thats not great.

But I digress, Gold costs for respecs of paragon and talents should not be a thing. This thread is spent on my perspective and experience.

You’re allowed to have a (bad) personal opinion.

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I’m not seeing likes on any of your replies, but I’ll keep an eye out to see if they tick up.

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You are another White Knight. When a game gives you trash 90% of the time and you call that okay, that is a you problem. There are a ton of players who feel that giving trash all the time is bad game design. Grinding is one thing. When you have to go 10 to 20 levels to wait for a decent upgrade, that is flawed system design. I have played and beat all Diablos, a ton of other ARPGs, MMOs, you name it. Most of them did not force you to go a ton of time without upgrades. This one does this worst job of that in all the games I have played in my 35 years of gaming. It is not about asking for everything you want. When the Algorithm gives you jack for all your time, the system is utterly broken.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it, essentially anything that doesn’t mindlessly praise this game is a bad opinion according to them. One of those people it’s impossible to take seriously.

Free respec wont cut it because it is both too much work between gear/skill tree/paragon and we don’t have enough stash space. I think that a “clone character” feature, where you get a new character of the same class and the same level as the original, would do much better.

The game should not make it a chore to have people have fun with experimentation. In this state that is exactly what it does, make having fun a chore.

Nope. The problem is the way you’re playing it.

The game makes experimentation pretty much free from levels 1-80. Then after that it encourages you to narrow down your build. Works great.

It’s exactly what they told you to expect before the game even released.


I agree with this 100%.