Respec $$$ Limits Replayability

I agree item level should have been capped at say lvl70 in WT4 - why it scales beyond that point who would really know, its just dumb!


But it isn’t. It costs almost nothing to respec at levels under 60, yet people still do it. They do it because it is easier and if it’s cheap then they feel compelled to.

…and won’t be done if you can just freely respec to a build that isn’t weak against the content you want to run.

This has absolutely nothing to do with respec costs. There just simply aren’t players who have the desire to work out a build on their own and yet are too scared to do it because they might need to pay a little gold. If you had no respecs at all, you would see way more diversity because people would not be constantly switching their skills to match what they’d seen others doing. It would also be annoying because a small mistake couldn’t be corrected, so I’m not advocating for zero respecs, I’m just saying that having every single point perfectly optimal at all times isn’t needed.

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Respect and paragorn need costs reduced by 50-75%

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Don’t be pathetic costs don’t hinder replayability, a lack of armory and 1 button push to reset individual paragon board does. Cost is not the issue at current prices.

I’ve about 600 hours with The Division. more than 3,000 hours with Destiny 2.
So many hours with other popular RPGs that I should’ve gotten a couple PhDs instead.

I think growing older as a gamer isn’t learning so much about what you like as it is learning what you can’t stand with game systems. For me, limiting my ability to play around with the hundreds of hours ive spent collecting loot is a damning proposition.


Round of claps to D2 fan boys for this exciting build commitmentment feature that’s clearly outdated.

You simply do not use 1 build for all contents in modern aRPG. I can accept gold costs when respeccing, give us 1 button resting paragon boards.


I can’t disagree with this enough. Way less people would be willing to take chances experimenting if they could easily brick their character by making a wrong choice or two. That’s certainly the case for me.

Basically what you are saying is that you want Blizzard to give you all the required items for whatever build you want to make/copy… which is basically Diablo 3 again.

Part of RNG based game is to work with what the game gives you not what you ~want~ it to give you. But at this point it’s clear that you just want more Diablo 3.

There’s nothing to be fixed. It isn’t broken. Just because you cant get the required gear to do the popular build, doesn’t mean that the drop is broken.



I mean WHAT…

You being SERIOUS…

#Instant Gratification


The cost to respec is like a pebble in the road compared to a massive boulder in actually finding gear for that build.

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Except for the part where choosing a couple skills wrong doesn’t brick your character. But again, if there was a way to eventually correct those mistakes then even that worry wouldn’t be there. You don’t need free respecs to avoid bricking your character.

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Along with doubling the current stash capacity, each character should have their own stash with the ability to toggle between all your character’s stashes via drop-down bar. 4 stash panes for one character is not enough and the fact that Blizzard didn’t think to add more is simply an oversight that can’t go unnoticed.

Explain how that is possible exactly; it takes all of what 15 minutes to farm the gold needed for a skill tree and paragon reset?

If you are talking about gear, sure, you can make bad choices on what attributes you re-roll etc but that is literally the case in most games that have crafting systems.

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We are talking the same language

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My man, read what I replied to. It starts with “If you had no respecs at all”.

You got it backwards. Because of the well known super high cost, people follow the guides more than they would have. I run my own builds in various RPG games and yet here, I have no desire to because finding the right build for me that is fun would take me to constantly respec and D4, I cannot do it at all unless I wanna blow all the gold and run contents just to farm gold. That is not fun at all. There’s a difference between accumulating wealth as a byproduct of running dungeons for better gear and running dungeons specifically to make gold with gear finding as byproduct.


Just have rare respec tokens that can drop, so that players could use as a subsitute instead of gold.