Respec $$$ Limits Replayability

<3 see now I appreciate this instead of being rude and just saying wall of text blah. you went out of your way and formatted it all nice. thank you for taking the time to do this professor!

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i dont know, yea it is comfortable to have low respec costs, but honestly, i dont mind investing an hour to grab some gold. its pretty easy to farm gold anyway and you get some nice loot on the way too. its fun to see a bit of build diversity which i think also comes from the fact its not super duper easy to respec.

It’s the opposite of how you describe, though. No respecs is the default mode. It’s the system that makes all these other systems make sense. Having a cost-free item designer where you could reroll all the affixes of an item at the same item level would trivialize the challenge of equipping your character with the best loot they can find.

In the same way, having free respecs trivializes creating a character of a particular build. Respecs exist so that players don’t have to worry that they will regret spending a skill point or paragon point. Both of those trees use a points-spent mechanism for unlocks so that people don’t have to save points to spend at higher levels or use respecs to do so.

Players using respecs to try out all the different builds of a character after getting to a high level is an unfortunate consequence of allowing respecs that fix mistakes. Players try to use the system in this unintended way, then complain that it is not built for that. The challenge is leveling up with a build.

Making large changes via respec is expensive and inconvenient, because using it that way skips the normal character progression experience. Perfecting an item via the occultist is expensive and trading is restricted because I they skip the normal gearing experience.

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So if you wanna test out a new build the meta should be to get carried to 100 ?
If you’re playing solo that’s not feasible. Just make respec and build testing easier so people don’t have to maxroll meta copy and let them play their way.
What you are describing is a waste of time.

No, the meta should be to play the game rather than blitzing to max level then complaining there’s no content. The content is leveling and finding gear. The gear isn’t any better at 100.


I agree, and having a limit of 10 char slots, and no load out slots that include skills/paragons/items in the wardrobe, combined with the massive time sink to create & test new build ideas + resource costs full respecs, its simply not viable for most players to get creative and experiment with new build ideas. These limitations encourage the largest portion of the player base to stick to ‘meta’ builds, which often times are bugged builds.

The entire system almost seems built to push players into using bugged builds. Perhaps as a way to get as much information as possible on these bugs, so they can more quickly fix them.

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It funny to see Blizzard hyping “Play your way” then make is so hard that you have to “play their way” by the high cost of respec.
I played and EARNED those skill points. Since Blizzard says “Play your way” then let me respec any and ALL the skill points I EARNED. They are mine and I should be able to respec any time at little to no cost.
“Play your way” Only if you “play their way”.


It never really was about our way. They just want you to feel in control while in reality, they dictate the way you play. Marketing stuff








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I disagree. I like the cost of gold, want to mount another Build make another character. In 2 weeks most of the stemears had already reached 100. Imagine if the points were free, they would have already tested everything with all the characters and we would already know which is more worthwhile. Maybe some resets like every 20 lvl or a costly potion. But it can’t be free, otherwise it would be very easy to change the Build and go there in pvp and kill everyone.

Your point of view is very good. The game was not supposed to reach lvl 100 in 2 weeks as many did. The people who complain are the same ones who were cultivating xp in the same dungeon. The game is not just xp. The game requires patience and intelligences. The other activities of the game give you, items, gold resources. Understanding how it works is part of the leveling, that’s why you don’t reach lvl 100 in 2 hours like diablo 3.

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It took quite a bit of effort to switch from twisting blades rogue to penetrating shot rogue at level 80. I’d go as far as saying that it’s cheaper to do a FULL respec in Path of Exile on a level 100 character, and that means trading for the regret orbs, as well as leveling up or trading for leveled up new skill gems, and new gear.

POE made it excruciating to respec. They also made it a huge pain to craft anything decent.

I don’t mind the respec costs themselves but there needs to be QOL features to reset the paragon boards.
Besides, enchanting is the real purse butcher! FRESH COIN!

It’s still less painful than in D4. Reasonably good gear can be bought from other players for a handful of chaos orbs in standard league, rares that would have considerably more value in league could be obtained for peanuts.

Everything outside of BiS items, or legacy uniques is peanuts. I leveled to 100 on a necromancer wearing literal rags, the best piece of gear I had was a tabula rasa, a rag armor with no stats with 6 linked slots. The other slots I might have paid 2-5 chaos orbs a piece for through trading.

I actually sold a legacy unique in standard league a few years ago for several hundred exalts, it was a soul taker axe, and I’ve never been for need for anything on any of my characters ever since, because I don’t chase or desire the absolute BiS for every one of my characters, I ask the simple question of “does it get the job done well”? If yes, then why chase the last few % points?

I think I got to like 90 something. Getting the chaos orbs was a pain. That was all everyone wanted, and the mirrors. I got fed up with it. I was a necro too. I enjoyed the time I put into it. However, when people ask for the moon in trading for items you need to craft good gear, that kills a game for me. The game should never rely on solely trading to get what you need to become stronger. In that way, I am very happy D4 does not have materials so hard to obtain you have to trade other players stupid amounts to get them to make the gear improved. However, the RNG is crap in this Diablo for now.

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It sounds like you played in league. League is tough for people who aren’t good at playing market simulator, and I highly recommend avoiding league entirely in PoE unless you’re one of the players who does enjoy playing market. Standard league is a buyer’s market for mid and mid-high end items that can be obtained for a small fraction of the cost a similar item would set you back for in league. I’ve purchased some very decent 6L armors that had solid armor, resists, HP on them for 15 chaos orbs in standard that would have cost 15 divine orbs (these replaced exalted orbs more recently), which is roughly 40x cheaper vs league. So, the player who prefers to buy and rarely sell or play market will find standard league far preferable.

And then you spent them. And it made your character stronger. And now, for some reason, you want to be able to spend them again without earning any more of them. They also don’t let you re-spend the gold you spent on rerolling an affix, even though you earned the gold already and had the option to spend it on something else. They don’t let you re-drink the potions, whether you earned them by crafting or drops.

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Yeah, that is all cool. Still do not like when games make it next to impossible to get items to craft better gear without trading other players. When games do that it is a huge turn off for me.

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Pasting due to pain stuff:

Hit level 50 on barb, stuck on wt2

A. Levels 1-50 i have not been able to afford a single npc item, they need to lower npc prices in wt1/2, especially for levels 1-50

B. Respec is fun after finding new legend. After dying a bunch on a quest I now had no gold to repair equipment or left to spec

C. It was not fun killing a bunch of random mobs, losing my gate to pay off respec and repair costs for 15min

I eventually passed out playing bored and just signed off

There are issues at high tier playing (uber reroll costs, high costs to respec)

Imho lower respec for skills/paragon by 50%

Lower repair costs by 25%

Lower reroll item costs by 30% and implement a small pool of stats to pick from or hone in on

Increase sale value of legends/uniques or recovery of blacksmith

Level 85 Arc Lash Sorceress here. Hating the game now. I want to play a different build. After running some nightmare dungeons I currently have 9.3 million gold. This is only enough to respec my paragon points alone. Would still need to farm more gold to enchant gear with new stats, and farm more gold for talent point reset. This is pathetic game design. I have literally only been able to copy paste Arc Lash build from maxroll with ZERO FREEDOM to experiment at all. It is so digustingly prohibitive to respec and regear that I straight up hate the game and go back to playing WoW. Remove ALL RESPEC COSTS FOR TALENTS AND PARAGONS. GIVE US BUILD LOADOUTS. LET US IMPORT EXPORT BUILDS AND PARAGONS ETC. LET US SAVE GEARSETS. These features are the most brain dead obvious MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT features to have in a modern game. How did Dragonflight absolutely nail this while Diablo **** the bed. BLIZZARD, Talk to the wow team, they are doing great lately.