Respec $$$ Limits Replayability

The trade market should not exist in D4 in my opinion. I bet if you surveyed 100 D4 players, the majority want to find their own gear and not have trading.

Respec costs should be free.

You do realize that everything works together right? If you are changing Paragon, it is likely you are not just needing to change a couple points. When you change a Skill, you are having to change entire Aspects and reroll stats. Because of how interwoven everything is, you are going to have to change a lot to change a little…just to experiment. People are only following guides because of how convoluted everything is.

If it was just about swapping some gear and skills, it would be much more achievable. You have layers upon layers that all build you have to change and there is not any in game tool to make this user friendly. Instead every single point has to be individually undone and then redone from the top down. How many players do you think are just going to

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I agree with all points overall. And everyone who is replying and just saying everyone copy/pastes builds isn’t adding anything meaningful. If people copy/paste then cheap respec won’t matter, for those who want to test, it is prohibitive. There’s a netloss and no net gain one way versus the other.

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I disagree.

The drop rates are about creating the experience of looking for and gaining loot, with a big part of it being surprises (via RNG). Mobs are the core of the combat experience. Exp, levels (skill points), paragon levels (paragon points) are there to provide the feel of progression. And the itemization provides further progression within and beyond level 100.

RPG is about character progression. They are not about challenges and costs. Obstacles and challenges may help with character progression if the reward actually does progress the character further, but just the existence of challenges aren’t necessarily character progression.

They are different concepts.

Within that context of character progression, gameplay becomes an important factor that impacts how much enjoyment players get from the game. If theree are too many meaningless obstacles (e.g. bad UX, stingy loot, prohibitively expensive cost to certain aspects) then the game becomes less enjoyable.

I know there are hardcore fans who would rather we all go back to 20 years ago. With no respecs and no adjustments, one badly invested point and the only remedy was to start over. I understand and respect that desire. But it doesn’t make other more casual friendly designs invalid.

The respec costs in this game definitely leans towards the hardcore side. And it’s up to the devs to decide where on the spectrum they want the game to sit. But these costs do not help towards character progression and certainly do not have the same meaning as Exp, Levels, and Skill and Paragon points.

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It’s funny because you claim to have played D1 and D2 and a ton of other ARPGs and you attitude and comment go completely against what made those games are… Just funny and hard to take you seriously.

Most of them did not force you to go a ton of time without upgrades.

The video I watched yesterday of a guy doing 1000 andariel runs just to see something useful around 100 runs on avarage.

Also, this game is ridiculously simple to reset a character. Path of Exile it’s way better to just completely level up another character instead and we don’t see babies crying on forums lol.

Hmmm… I dunno man… Diablo 2 and Path of Exile, which are the only ARPGs that matter as reference disagree but you do you.

“It makes zero logical sense for 90% of the gear you see dropped to be from every other build than the one the player needs or wants.” , Plainswalker.

Just gonna put that in here again since that’s exactly what you are asking for.

This whole argument is pointless. We have devs response already. Just move on if you don’t like it or have commitment issues or whatever. Your loadout exist. It’s called leveling another character :slight_smile:

“It is a bit expensive, but it’s not the sort of thing where you simply can’t achieve it. You will naturally have earned a great deal of gold by the time you reach that stage of the game, and this is a way for you to spend some of it if you choose. But we do want players to feel that there are important decisions they’re making along the way that feel like they’re - not permanent, they can always back out of these things - but they’re intentional.” < Devs.

First of all, I do not need to justify my time I have played video games to you. Second of all, you are a 100% white knight of this game. Thus, you will defend the poor game design (makes me wonder if they pay people on here to defend trash development decisions?). Third, I have played a ton of time in all those games. While the games give you a lot of trash, I never went 10 to 20 levels in any other ARPG or MMO I have played, other than this one. I just replaced a piece of gear last night that I had from level 54 to 74. It is stupid that the game 90% or more gives you everything other than what you are geared towards, especially with inflated gold and material costs as you level, period. You quote what the devs said in that article. However, the Devs are severely out of touch with what the players are asking for. While they give some good improvements on EXP in Nightmare dungeons recently, the majority of the other patch notes everyone is questioning what the devs were actually doing?


If repeating that makes you feel better. Go for it, brother. :slight_smile:

Probably because you can’t level as fast in those games. The pacing of level and gear in this game definitely feels off. At the same time it makes me wonder… the amount of items you’ve got during all those levels I doubt there wasnt something useful. Probably not looking hard enough but not like I can prove anything lol.

Again implying the game should give the gear you want. “oh, look I have ability x equipped on my bar… logically game MUST GIVE ME GEAR FOR THAT ABILITY!! BRRRRRR!!”. All those years playing ARPGs and still learned nothing. Repeat after me: “We play with RNG want us to play until we can play what we want to play”. Also repeat this: This isn’t Diablo 3 or Wow". :slight_smile:

You mean the loud minority that doesn’t know what ARPGs are? The ones that put all their points into all basic abilities and complain their character cant kill anything? Or the ones that put all paragon points into the starter board because they can’t figure out how to expand the board? Or the ones that don’t understand what seasonal games are? Because those people are pretty loud even though they have no idea of what they are talking about. Not even mentioning the ones expecing Diablo 3 part 2 or think this is a WoW-like game.

the majority of the other patch notes everyone is questioning what the devs were actually doing?

Asking myself the same thing whenever I see people saying that x class is weak even though they are performing just fine. Or that the game is difficult and inacessible. Or when I see any of the scenarios mentioned before. Those are the people who come on the forums/reddit to complain about stuff making 10 billion threads complaining about something that makes little to no sense.

This game has a lot of issues but drop rates and respec costs are not them. :slight_smile:

I’m done with you or this thread now. We have our answer about respec costs from the Devs and we all know it’s intentional. I’m repeating myself a lot now so I wish you a good grind. May the RNG gods be with you so you can find some enjoyment in the game :wink:

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No it is not possible at level 100 its around 8mill at 90

What i dont understand is why you even care if it’s free to respec if it is already so easy to respec why do you even care? Does the respec cost make you feel like your choice matters? Do you enjoy having to pick up every yellow to vendor so you can respec? Or are you so set on 1 build that respec costs dont matter to you?

What bothers me is that the cost is highest at the point I want to experiment, like trying other builds seems the thing to do once I’m at max level. If I’m just expected to just continue the grind I feel like I may as well move on to another class but without enough stash space for that, maybe it will be another game.

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Lower all costs levels 1-50 make it more fun and immersive by 50%

Lower costs of vendors/legend rerolls 25% all levels 50+

Reduce paragon/skill resets by 50% all levels, its a fun loot game let us have fun

respec shouldnt cost a thing… especially when its like a requirement to do different dungeons…


I make the cash for a full respec in one play session, without even trying, and I’m only L73. You don’t need to save up 8 million scrapped parts. Sell that gear, the cash flows.

15 minutes in a party? I think a safe estimate would be 5 minutes to get 500k worth of crap loot to sell from a NM dungeon. I haven’t cared enough about the cost to actually look but people in this thread are saying around ~20M to do a full respec. That would be 5 minutes * 40 or 200 minutes or 3 hours and 20 minutes. That is far from the time you are stating. I still see that as a short amount of time, but don’t try to lie about it. That would also be power banging NM dungs back to back for the entire time with no break.

The system of grabbing all the garbage of the ground, a tiny inventory that fills up twice/dungeon if u do grab all the yellows, sifting through it without a loot filter or even a highlight for a maxed stat, sorting that doesn’t work the way you’d want it to.

Just to vendor so u can respec, it’s a bad system. Don’t defend it, I’m sure we can come up with something better.

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Twice a dungeon? I started picking up blue items because most of the dungeons only give half an inventory. There is the odd dungeon that actually gives a full inventory but it is like 1 in 5 at most.

I can go 2 dungeons if I only pick up ancestral, but to make max profit for respec purposes I imagine you’d pick up all yellows to vendor.

Yeah but…but…limitations and cash sinks and meaningful decisions…1 second horse sprint…and cooldowns…

I love that Final Fantasy XVI has no cost for respec, because who really gives a crap.


It’s not 20mil, it’s like… 12. Which is something you can earn within an hour. Maybe an hour and a half if you’re slow

Well said.
I had to format in order to read this so I might as well post it(formatted) because you have a good take.

Also want to add: I’m starved for Stash Space right now because I saw early on that Aspects will SCALE with my Clvl.
Knowing what a grind it would be to level an alt to try a build out(XP hadn’t been buffed yet), I saved a bunch of ‘milestone’ gear and Aspects.

I would love to be able to use the END-GAME gear that I have saved up on my 100 Rogue vs having to make an Alt.
Alas… costs and Paragon clickety-click-click are just as prohibitive as totally relevelling a new character.