Respec $$$ Limits Replayability

Im with you it took me like days to try and convince my friend to switch to tempest roar nado build and he was scared he wouldn’t be able to make it work and then have to spend all the time and gold and resources to switch back it is having a real negative impact on me and several friends

Yeah, I feel you. They did not have any costs for respec in the beta. It should have remained that way. Even the head of the game said it would not cost a lot to respec in an article in November of 2022, I think it is linked below. What BS are they selling?

Why would he be scared of using something that has been PROVED to not only work but be completely overpowered? Unless he has missing parts, which again, would be a mistake to reroll to copy a build that requires specific items/rolls to work without having them.

Yes, I’ve had some but after rerolling started to cost nearly 10mi I decided it wasn’t worth it anymore. lol. That’s just a logical decision to me. Would rather have a semi-perfect item and have money for other things than just go broke… but that’s just me.

That’s because it’s free until a certain level. They’ve said multiple times they dont want people rerolling their builds. It’s intentional. But it’s okay not to like it … It’s just pointless to complain about something it was intentional imo

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They also said respecing would not cost a lot in an article.

There’s literally interviews of them saying that they don’t want people to respec at late game that often and people would have to consider making a new character instead.

Everything most people complain in this forum they’ve state more than once that it’s intentional because they want to “go back to the origins” and the “origins” isn’t Diablo 3.


This says the respec costs won’t be prohibitively expensive. With all the costs of how respecs are now, include in how much it takes to enchant on gear, do rerolls, they have their system flat out prohibitive in many ways.

The idea of “We want players to harden up on their builds” is total BS. What that says to me is “we want you to not have that much fun”.

Full respec cost like 10M which can be farmed in hour or two while being 100 level.

Seems pretty reasonable for me.

Also, Blizzard most likely wants you to level new character if you want to play different build.


it isn’t a lot. At 83 running NM 40+, I went from 500k to 25M gold in a few days, playing just a couple hours a day.

Game economy matters. If the important things like complete skill resets and stat rerolls cost nothing, then the reward and act of pursuing gold, also by default, mean nothing.


So what you are saying is, if you want to reroll and finally have something decent, maybe, then just wait a few days at a time. This is anti-ARPG. There should not be days waiting to do things like that. That is more MMO mechanics, which I feel like they are trying to turn this into.

Players earn a significant amount of gold once you start getting into those high levels where those respec costs begin to climb, but the respec costs are final

Not wrong. You just gotta sell items. Nothing obscure about this. Gold is pretty easy to get.

We have them for launch and we’re not planning on removing respec costs.

Now we can stop crying about it.

We think they play an important role in asking players to start to harden up their build a bit once they get to the that portion of the gameplay.

Basically saying… commit to what you started doing.

“It is a bit expensive, but it’s not the sort of thing where you simply can’t achieve it. You will naturally have earned a great deal of gold by the time you reach that stage of the game, and this is a way for you to spend some of it if you choose. But we do want players to feel that there are important decisions they’re making along the way that feel like they’re - not permanent, they can always back out of these things - but they’re intentional.”

Just reinforcing again.

You just looked at the last paragraph that says they want people to experiment the system, which doesn’t mean “reroll every other day”.

Again… costs ARE NOT PROHIBITIVE. JUST SELL YOUR ITEMS. :slight_smile:


Respec itself isn’t prohibitive. Just don’t go around trying to reroll a stat for 10mi gold lol. If you wanna swap build, at least have the rest of the equipament ready to go before you actually reset your tree. xD For the 100000x… it’s intentional.

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You can try to be a white knight for the flawed design all you want. This post and many more share the same sentiment, including a ton of people who do not post on this forum. The costs are insane, stupid, and should be reduced.

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Blizzard have already stated they dont want us changing builds often… play the one build basically.

It was also mentioned it is easier to level up the same charactor to try a different build.

Its really lame.

Play it your way!

But only that way………

I don’t understand why there needs to be a money sink in this game. this isn’t an MMO and there is nothing to do with gold besides this outlandish respec and reroll costs

like who cares if someone has a lot of gold on an account? its not like they can flood an auction house or hurt other players by having lots of money.

not saying they should be free but rerolling a stat on an item is like 1-2 million in gold … that’s stupid

The resource gating, in this case gold, is because there isn’t actually much content in the game right now and they want to slow people down so they don’t burn through it all in a couple of weeks.

We encounter incompetence at every corner we turn to in this game. Just like you pointed out the comical level of incompetence. Make them reroll to try new builds…make the new chars unable to use any other gear by having it level locked by your lvl 100 char. The problems of one feature compounds and builds on top of other problems. total clowns.

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Just stash the second set in your (a bit overly limited) item stash and swap over when you feel like it. The cost isn’t that high if you’re selling stuff for gold.

The hardest part is actually finding the new pieces to work with.

I’m constantly making small edits to home in on what I want exactly and even then I’m keeping backup items for various slots just in case I want to try testing something.


Yeah, I don’t understand this whole ‘dying on a hill’ to defend the high costs to change skills or paragon boards. I don’t care what the developers say, they should focus on fun first. Besides the whole Lilith Statue thing, leaderboards do not matter.

“You shouldn’t be able to change to take on every challenge!” - Cool, then have it for free every 1-3 days. Find the balance.

“Your choices are supposed to matter!” - Okay, then myself and others will just look up the meta builds so we don’t make mistakes and be punished for them for wanting to succeed. Then everyone just runs the same one or two things because that somehow improves the game?

“You can easily farm that money for a respec doing 10 NM dungeons!” - Maybe you have time to do that, but if your current build doesn’t perform, it might take more time and more lower level dungeons to get to that point.

World of Wacraft and Diablo 3 moved away from respec costs. You can literally change your build in WoW anytime except in combat or while in a dungeon in Mythic Plus. You just step outside the dungeon in that example and change it up. It makes no sense in Diablo 4 except to waste player’s time. Literally what the recent expansion in WoW moved away from for the most part.

If it has to remain in game, just reduce the cost by at least 75%. Keep the high cost for rerolling affixes on gear.

Sorry the game makes you feel this way as it is and maybe it would be better idk.
My Hot take
Game was designed for more meaningful choice through commitment and encourages re-roll and new character making.
Hence the low respec cost’s early on, kinda work out what you want to go for,and then as it progresses you commit.
Also leads into the best part about the alts being boosted in points and skills etc from the main is that for example my main is a shapeshift druid and i make an alt to try storm
It’s way way faster to catch the alt druid up and this is good since i am playing the same character.
My only issue with this system is s new class by default can never opt in to experience the game as a fresh character unless i delete my old characters.
So my thinking is you love druid or whatever eventually you could have a druid of each type if you wanted and play the one you want to play.
Probably why there is no build template, in game it’s not encouraging it for a reason.
A gear armoury might be good, alternate gear that supports the build though.
That’s my thinking, could be wrong…maybe it’s just bad…but i see alot of wanting the same systems in a new game from old games and kinda ignoring and not looking a d4 as different :person_shrugging:
Maybe i am alone but having a darksouls commitment vibe is not that bad,i remeber in darksouls needing to delete my first character after getting pretty far because they were to weak and hard for me to play and i learnt from the mistakes and hit a wall, this isn’t even as rough as that,which is good although i would be fine with it.
It creates meaning and i feel closer to my character and, they old ways are fine but new is good, different is good.
Maybe embrace D4 and give it time to soak, before screaming to blizzard to strip the game to bare bones so early on.
Even non hardcore gamers dive into the darksouls games and have fun once they learn to embrace what it is.
It seems like a slap in the face but is it really?..
Trouble is i get it they can’t please everyone, but maybe give it more of a chance,slow down and look at the options the game gives you.