*Resolved* Missing emblems from chapter 4 on the season journey

Update 2: The emblems are now showing in game. Thank you.

Update: "Captain of the Wolves still missing and claimed Champion this morning and “Mark of the Artificer” emblem also missing.

I’ve claimed the rewards from Chapter 4 of the season journey in Diablo 4 this morning. The emblem isn’t showing up on my profile to equip. It is the “Captain of the Wolves” emblem.


Same for me. Tried to relog, switch characters, nothing works.


Bump too !

I’ve also claimed the captain of the wolf emblem from the chapter 4 journey and nothing shown in the profil edit…


Same here just did it, and no captain of the wolf emblem on char.


Same issue here and also with the chapter 6 emblem.


Omg even the one from the chapter 6… Blizzard should do something quickly for that, hope so.

20 characters blah blah

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just claimed champion and also realized i dont have emblem from chapter 4. so i, too, am missing 2 emblems.

in season 2 i also never got my missing platinum when they changed how much the battle pass gave, hopefully this gets resolved.


Bump! Can confirm this is happening to me on console (Xbox Series X) as well.

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Same issue here on the emblems not appearing under edit profile

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Yup, went to check it out… NOTHING.

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Just finished the chapter 6 and i can say, BOTH emblem are missing…

Chapter 4 emblem missing …
Chapter 6 emblem missing …

I am on Console PS5, hope this will get patched soon…


chiming in, same issue completed chapter 4, no emblem. PC

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i dont get the emblem captain of the wolves and is claimed but not on ma profile

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Same thing happened to me! Cmon devs plz n ty.

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just got my challenge done and nothing here either

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Same Here, on PS5. I finished the chapters 1-4 and didn’t get the Emblem.

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It happens to me, too!

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anyne figured out how to solve this?

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Nop, after restarting X times, nothing, after switching to eternal realm nothing, after switching to another class nothing… this is for devs…

Still nothing shown…