Resistances and Armor

I really hope the current form will never go live in the current version because it will be a complete nightmare.

Without a Tyrael’s Might, even a Sorc can’t get to the cap im Torment 4. I don’t want to think about the other classes where it’s much harder.

Also the Armor in T4. Even with Shako its hard to get to the cap, unless using potion buff for +200 armor.


You can use Skulls in your gem slots.
The paragon board has +Armor nodes.
The can temper armor% and enchant armor% in multiple slots…
It’s really not difficult at all.


Skulls giving 160 armor only, unless u farm 300k skull fragments for the grands.

On Torment 4 u need a total of 2000 Armor to be capped, coz Torment 4 has a - 1000 Armor debuff. A Shako gives around 500. Normal legendaries way less. And normal Legendaries can only be tempted with 1 affix. So u have to decide… Coz the Ancestral gear has a awful drop rate anyway and u find a good one maybe late in the endgame. Played PTR 5-6 hrs and only found maybe 4 ancestral and all where not for my build.

Its not that easy to get capped. Without my Shako i would have 50-100 Armor in T4.


There are plenty of solutions to the “armor” problem. Maybe use Juggernaut aspect on chest till you get Tyrael’s.
Get more paragon nodes… everyone’s solution will be different.
Maybe after a few hours playing PTR, maybe you aren’t meant to be in T4.
You clearly rushed there with possibly suboptimal gear.
I’m in favor of you being punished in that scenario.
T4 in my opinion should be for decked-out builds and paragon levels… not for someone who rushed there in a few hours and expects max armor and resistance simply for “existing”.
If your gear isn’t good enough for T4… go back to T3.
This seems to be working as intended.


You just need to solve it. You can’t just mindlessly put damage everywhere now. You can, but should you that’s the question.


Have you looked at the PRT version of Juggernaut aspect (rank 21 is 101 armor)?

Magic nodes give 10 armor, Rare nodes give 20. Each point in Str give 0.2 armor.

Most classes don’t have useful paragon glyph nodes with either resistance or armor.

For classes like Rogue or Druid, Tyrael’s and/or Harlequin Crest is mandatory for progression, especially for hardcore players.

And do what exactly? 750 gear is capped at 4 for masterworking and the legendaries only allow for 1 temper.

Even at T3, you have to resort to Grand gems just to cap both res and armor if you don’t have a Tyreal’s or HQ.

In a new ladder, it will take multiple hours just to farm for a single Grand Gem.


I’m cool with this. It actually makes Barbs better in a relative sense. No other class gets so much armor so easily like Barbs do. Only we get armor from main stat!! Strength gives armor!! And we can get tons and tons of strength!!

My Barb right now on season 5 has about 2,400 strength. I have looked and done some testing myself on season 6 PTR, and it looks like my Barb will easily get 3,200 strength next season with the same kind of gear setup. And all that strength is just free armor. And no other class gets this. None! Just us Barbs! It’s insanely awesome!! :+1:t2::sunglasses::+1:t2::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::sunglasses::+1:t2::sunglasses::+1:t2::sunglasses::+1:t2::sunglasses:

Having some classes be a lot better than other classes at stacking either armor or resistances is a pretty bad design because here is the kind of situation that can unfold. Using the same level of character, me on a Barbarian and someone else on a different class, I can get away with something like one less total armor % roll on my items. So like as a Barbarian with all my strength which gets converted into armor, maybe I can run one less total armor percent roll across my gear. Maybe YOU have to put that roll on your pants, but I don’t even need that roll because I am a Barbarian.

So what does this allow me to do that you won’t be able to do on your non-Barbarian class? I could do something like run Tibault’s Will unique pants, since you’re stuck with legendary pants in order to keep your armor capped. Which means I just get to do 20% more damage than you AND manage my resources way easier than you can, because you have to waste points on capping armor that I don’t have to spend anything on. I just get it for free by stacking my main stat that I stack mostly just for damage reasons anyway. The armor is just a nice extra!

I’m loving this. The more I think about this fact that only barbs get armor from mainstat, and we get more armor from our main stat than int classes get all resist, so it just means that barbs are literally the best class in the entire game. We don’t have to do as much defensively to cap armor the way every other class will have to. This actually makes me so happy in my heart. All I want is for barbs to be number one and everyone else to be left in our dust. I really hope that’s what this means for season 6!! :heart_eyes::star_struck::heart_eyes::star_struck::heart_eyes::star_struck:

Not only do I have more weapons than all of you put together, but now I have more armor than you could ever dream of having! Haha. Enjoy being stuck in torment 3, Sorcs. I’m already miles ahead of all of you lmaooo


Mages and Necros get resist all from Int. The only classes screwed by these changes are Rogue and Druid. The developers have no idea how to balance the game. Primary stat shouldn’t provide resist or armor for any class or should provide for all classes. Period.

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You are coping hard. “you can do this, you can do that…” and just guessing.

Nodes giving 10 Armor. Yeah. When i looked into the codex, my once maxed Juggernaut gives like 97 Armor, (double that maybe on certain items) because aspects have new ranges, but the higher versions seems to be only on ancestral items which are basically not existent with that low drop rate. It’s like winning 2 times in a row in the lottery finding the aspekt with max roll from all the other aspects who exist.

With Shako and its 500+ Armor affix i have in a Pit65 ~650 Armor in T4. Would mean, without one it’s around 100. It’s hard to squeeze 900 armor out of the paragon board, items. %Armor temper? U certainly need that on more than one items.

We are capped at 5 paragon boards. To get decent armor we have to waste one board if there is one (where the node are within Glyph radius, didn’t looked into it yet) , where u can boost those 10 Armor with a Glyph who gives +x% on magic nodes. But even at 100, the nodes would give maybe 40 armor instead of 10 :rofl:

But in the end it really doesn’t matter when the resistance is not capped. Even as a Sorc (who has the highest res in the game thanks to Intelligence and paragon nodes) , without Tyrael’s Might the resistances in T4 are around 10%. Imaging all other classes.

Conclusion: endgame means stacking armor and resistance on all items, hoping to get capped. :+1:


Totally agree with that, armor needs to be in more than one items for the new meta, that is also my understanding.

Thats nowhere near enough m8. Resistances and Armour are way to hard to get now. The armor aspects got nerfed to the ground to so its not easy to get armor anymore and paragon nodes dont give almost any armor. You get like what 10 ? When you need 2000 to cap it.

And mythics are back to being insanely hard so no one will have them for a long long time.

Atm having Tyriels is absolute necessity for T4 its not an option. Also you wont see anyone using best gems either for a very long time, for most ppl season will end before they do get even 1.


You should check ptr in T4 instead of saying bs like this. The values you get for armor from aspects and gear where massively nerfed in some cases by 90% like juggernaut aspect now gives 100 armor. And you need 2000. The paragon nodes are the same they give 10 armor only and we are capped to 5 paragon boards only inc starter.

W/o ubers that are insanely hard to get again so no one will have any you cant progress to T4 anymore. And Ancestrals are extremely rare even in T4. Like 1 every 10-20 pit runs.

Why are you assuming I haven’t played the PTR? Why are you also assuming that you need to be armor capped to play in T4? My sorc has like 690 armor and I’m farming T4 ubers. Sounds to me like the problem is between the keyboard and the chair.

“We’ve heard player feedback that Tyreal’s Might seems far too mandatory, so we cut the Resist All it provides in half to make other items more appealing”
-Blizzard, probably

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I feel you man. I’m trying to figure this out, and I’m level 45 in Expert tier. (Sorc). I was dying consistently and now I’m dying slightly less, but still dying. It’s getting annoying and frustrating. I’m experimenting with different aspects and things, but with gear at level 450-ish, I don’t immediately see how to get more resistances.

Bear in mind we’re starting season 6 with nothing. No tempering, no aspects, no gold, zip.

The PTR is a very different Diablo than season 5, and I’m not sold on it.

Are you aware that you can transmute gem fragments now? It’s a ridiculous number and you can only do 999 at a time, but it helps.

agree. without tyrael is almost impossible to cap armor and resistance. you either chose to not using any uniques and roll resistance on rings + amulet, or you can’t make it. even stats doesn’t give that much. i’m at 1.9k int and getting only 37% to all res from stat. you need 170% in t4. an amulet give you 30% + 2 rings 25%. all the nodes in the paragon baords givce you sightly less than 30% all res. so if you are an int character, you are able to reach 120% all res(but it required some int rolls on armor). you still need to cap armor, so you probably going to use skulls in sockets. to get the other 50% to all ress you missing, you must not use an unique into body & pants (or head) & boots slots: chest & pants can roll 1 resistance up to 40%+tempering 50%, so chest cap 2, pants 2, boots can roll the last and you are done. this if the resistances rolls are ga, otherwise you missing a 10% in 3 differente resistance and you must use rings/amulet. also you need some armor rolls to cap it, paragon+3skulls are not enough and you probably want life rolled somewhere. If instead you are not an int character, then i hope you are a strength one, so you have 3 sockets for resistances in rings/amulet. way too much

If the solution to an issue is: just get a mythic bro… Then that only further highlights how big of an issue it actually is…

Scarcity is good, if they overdid the nerf can easily change

For the record there are like 3-4 ways of adding armor (Skulls, Enchanting, Aspects, Tempers, Paragon, and even Ruby if need be :slight_smile: )

I’m in T4 with no Tyraels… and I have capped resistance and armor.
You don’t NEED mythics.
I’m sure it helps, but currently as the hardest difficulty tier in the game, I don’t see why a 2 day new character should able to walk in to the hardest difficulty tier in the game.
I’m sure you think differently “bro”.
I haven’t looked that closely at the runewords, maybe they offer more defense or resistance… maybe the mercenaries give bonuses… maybe use proper potions and incense for the things you lack.
Figure it out… presumably you’re an adult…