Rerolled from sorc to druid

Sorc is even worse than I thought. My lvl 65 nado druid is clearing T35 nm dung with ease, insane dps (single + aoe) and beefy af due to fortify. Started as pulv then went nado when I found tempest roar, both builds feel really good.

You always hear about how much better the other classes are but you really gotta experience it for yourself. Absolutely wild that the gap between some of the classes is this big.


The gap between sorcerer and Necro for example is like 15-20 Nightmares…simple and totally unbalanced (for commercial reasons)
I do not mention barbarian playing on Tier 4 with…45-50 level…

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But druid is super boring, i tried to reroll druid, started falling asleep while playing. Sorcs on the other hand is superfun

Yes! Soccer (Ice Blades) has very interesting mechanics and tactics. Using Lucky Hit Chance gives so many opportunities!

Nah…finding chain lightning to be the most fun


I have rerolled to all classes but barb and gotten them to 100, and I found that Sorcerer is certainly the most engaging (and most fun for me) to play because of its conditions to deal maximum damage, but is simply rewarded the least. Core ability spam certainly felt weird on Druid and Rogue, where it felt like I had infinite fuel for no cost except the required aspects. Necro felt pretty satisfying because LARGE NUMBER after every tendril and long-range control. It truly feels like other classes are just playing a different game than Sorc.

I start day 1 as Druid Lightning Storm and can’t get this damned bugged drop Tempest Roar, rerolling as Sorcerer Chain Lightning its feel much better a little less strong in Aoe clear thanks to bugged CL going offscreen for no reason and sorcerer don’t have access to fortify but Sorcerer CL feel much better, more fun.

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Druid starts slow but becomes an endgame monster. Luckily you can skip the slow start with a boost.

Possibly too soon?

Yeah, rolling a druid sounds like a good way to pass some time, but a major patch is about to be released in 3 days.

I’m going to wait until then to see if I need to reroll or not.

Don’t worry there’s no way the sorc dev team do a decent job


I tried druid. Just couldn’t do it. I know they are great end game but I just can’t. I love rogue and necro though. Minus the no movement for necro anyways.

isn’t it boring?
I saw some stormwolf druids they just click where they want to go and everything is dead, there is no tactical thinking, challenge or diversity.

I actually really enjoyed the lvl 30-45 progression on sorc with arc lash and fireball enchantment chain reaction explosions. Lots of fun. Totally agree that re-rolled Druid with storm strike and tornato seems like a better arc lash than arc lash sorc power level wise peeking past 50.

Sadly, sorc was more fun playstyle wise even though everyone else is more powerful class wise. I do find myself bored in the Barb/Druid/Necro camp. Rogue is Amazon-ish which I found somewhat enjoyable back in D2 days.

It’s funny going to Legion events and blowing up elites that sorcs 20+ lvls higher are tickling. Levels scale ofc but it just shows how bad the sorc paragon board is, it genuinely feels worse to level up once you have your gear lol.

Sorc is fun to play, but its still a garbage comparing to all other classes.
So the “fun” is because we should do our best with this class, otherwise we will fail. Its some kind of “hardcore”, but with unlimited deaths (and only 4 in NM).

Sorc is fun while leveling and playing on WT4, rushing helltides, or doing 30-60 NM. But at 70+NM sorc became like a glass, you will suffer every random hit, you will die after every random arrow hit you.
So the fun is goes off while you are basically not able to finish NM dungeon because there is tons of skeletons with bows, which oneshot you off the screen.

There are several ways to play a game, one is God mode, you destroy everything and nothing hurts you, fun for five minutes, the other is to dodge, fight, study the strategy, ultimately sweat the victory and enjoy it.
Now each one who chooses his style of play.

Getting one-shot offscreen by a skele corpse bow isn’t really immersive gameplay lol. Sorc is okay at farming trash like helltides but outside of that they suck, terrible single target dps and they’re made of glass. Blizz must have forgotten about the latter part of the “glass cannon” concept.

Blizz is enforcing class diversity by keeping sorc weak for several patches, it was the most picked class by far. Watch season 1 buff be another freezing wake buff or something equally asinine.

The current problem with resistance does limit us, as well other issues the class face. However it does not limit us as much as you think.

You can reach NMD 60+ (mob lvl 114+) without getting one shot, some reach tier 70 without a problem.

Sure it takes more time, 10-15 minutes, but we get the dungeon done.