Requesting A Store

Blizzard in my downtime, I have items to sell. I need a store where I can sell my wares. Trade channel is nice, but I’m losing profits by not having an open store. Please consider this, thanks.


You can give your wares, I’ll sell them, we both win. You get rid of your items, and I make money.

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Lmfao duuuuuuude. Lol

Can’t blame a dude for trying. :stuck_out_tongue:


Losing profits by not having an open store… :see_no_evil:

Just make all items Bind on account.

People trust Iggi in game,

He is like a Khajiit, if you have Coin, Iggi has wares. :hamster: :popcorn:

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Oh no never that. I need my gold sir.

There are many good spots in Kyo where an auctioneer could set up a shop.

He said make all items untradable. I have had my :joy: for today. This season has been so good to me, yet I can still store more in my coffers.

Until then I’m a gypsy on wheels.