Repeatedly issues with logging in or client disconnecting my internet. (Laptop - Gigabyte Pc - Killer network - UK)

Thsis has been happening for at least a year, a lot of people have this issue and no proper solution has ever been posted. Just thoughts and small fixes that after a while stop working.

I login, 10-20-30 seconds later I get disconnected, and my WIFI is disabled in my laptop. For the love of God please, post an answer to this issue, there are so many people having the same problem. Steam runs great, other games are ok, RIOT Vanguard seems to create the same problem.

In no other game has this ever happened, but these two games. This is long overdue, please offer support on this matter so people can know what the @ is going on. This makes the game unplayable, which would obviously create another topic about refunds for those who suffer from this issue.

If your WiFi is getting disabled, this is a conflict within the driver for the card or its 3rd party software.

RIOT Vangard uses a similar traffic scheme, though not as touchy as D4.

The problem is your network card config, driver version, or the card itself.

WiFi is problematic at best with this game as it is. I highly recommend visiting the manufacturer of your laptop and getting a full driver installer for that card from them.

Once you download that, then you need to uninstall whatever software for the network card is currently loaded, then uninstall the WiFi card from your devices in device manager. Then restart Windows (yes actually choose restart, not shut down and turn back on) and use the downloaded installer from the website for your laptop to reinstall the card.

If that fails to help, then you may want to consider swapping to a physical network cable and turning off the WiFi as a test.

If that also fails to work, then the problem is upstream, most likely the wireless router itself.

I should add that when you uninstall the driver and install the latest one provided by the manufacturer, you should restart the WiFi router/modem you connect with as well.

But I want to make clear a couple points here:

  • 99% of the connection issues that I see or read about on here are caused by some issue either with the computer/console’s hardware, the local network/router/modem, or some setting/software they are using.

  • The second point is that this game is very touchy about its connection. Any little thing can disrupt it. Including issues with hardware, drivers, other programs running while the game is running, even other devices on the same network can cause it to fail. (I know this as I had a security camera system that caused me a headache with my network for two days before I found out it was the culprit).

ive checked everything i have, i have super fast cable wifi, all drivers are on point, after the last patch its been doing this for many people , its just not stable right now

For you perhaps.

This isn’t affecting everyone, just so you know. I have been playing the last 3 nights, have not had any issues yet.

I don’t care how fast your internet is, that has no bearing on the problem. Hell I have heard more people complain that have fast internet than I do from people that don’t.

I play this game with an 10MB DSL phone line connection. It plays perfectly fine.

It also plays mostly fine on my main ISP which is Starlink. The only reason I don’t use it for gaming a lot, is because the latency can change dramatically due to some small fringe tree blockages that I have.

I have also played it from Bell Canada via Wireless on a Wireless point to point 25MB DSL connection. Now there, it had some somewhat severe moments of latency, but I was also on WiFi, and was sharing with other people at the same time.

Now you might not agree, and that’s fine. But I can tell you from being on these forums for the past year the problem is not going to be only Blizzard’s fault.

Do they cause some issues? Sure. But if this was an issue that affected more than a few of you, there would be a LOT more posts/threads about it.

You say your drivers are on point. But where did you get them? If you tell me Windows update, then they AREN’T on “point”.

If you haven’t tested your connection using a physical cable (with your WiFi turned off) then you should.

Something is causing your issues. Either your system and its setup, or the WiFi router/modem you are connecting to.

You are going to have to do some troubleshooting to find out. Fortunately I have a thread right here that can help:

-For everyone having connection issues of various types: UPDATE 8-7-23

There are some tests you can do listed here. And some things you can try.

why do you keep coming up here and giving people your opinions, nothing you posts works for anyone and you are just up here running your mouth, unless you work for Blizzard hommie take a walk , Ive been in IT for 30 years, i know what i’m doing , go repeat yourself somewhere else, you’re annoying

That’s not really true.

I have helped many of you fix issues with the game. Countless times. Not everything will work, that I will agree on, but that’s not going to stop me from making suggestions.

Some of what I suggest may be opinion, others may be information that has indeed helped others.

Well, that is your opinion.

Oh, so almost as long as me. Congrats!

If you know what you are doing, then why are you here? Just saying.

Certainly not my intention, but obviously you have a problem with me, and that is something I doubt I will be able to fix. So, good luck ?



Tell you what:

Run some of those tests that are listed in that thread I linked, see what your results are. If you are a 30 year IT veteran, you should have no trouble doing that. Post what your results are, so we can go over them and see what we can find. Especially try to run them when the game is experiencing the rubber banding (run them in the background) so we can see what’s going on when the problem occurs!


I think you are on to something here, I imagined that this happens because of Gigabyte (Aorus is my PC), Killer Control Network or NVIDIA drivers or something similar.

I’ll have a look at the suggestions and get back to you. Many thanks for the detailed answer.

Edit: Also, do you think that since the game is touchy like you mentioned, in the future there will be a way for this issue to be fixed from the game company or it will always be problematic like this? What is your opinion?

Honestly, if you need to have 30 years in IT or read through a gazillion of posts and run through 10s of tests just to simply play a game, there is a problem, right ?

On top of that, the game is full of bugs, very unstable in its basic functionalities, not technically but in its design.

I feel like constantly playing on a beta version, it is very surprising. What is going on ?

Well, I would hope they would address the issue with how they run the game and its server connections. That meaning, making it more stable, and better able to handle small inconsistencies with all the different hardware and software configs that are possible out there.

I won’t argue that logic. There is no reason for any game to be this touchy, that’s for sure. That all said, its hard to point to any one specific aha item that is the cause.

I mean mine never gives me fits 99% of the time. And the 1% of the time it does, its always something that is not related to Blizzard at all. And that all being outside of the times when Blizzard actually has an outage that affects most if not everyone, which thankfully is rare.

But I get why so many of you feel frustrated, annoyed and helpless when the solution doesn’t seem to be simple or the cause seems elusive.

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